I had my wordpress site up and running just fine but when I visited it recently I got the following error:
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.
I contacted the person who set up my database and was told
I spent hours trying to reinstall all the PHP, mySql etc. but it still doesn't work. I have no idea why. Nothing has been touched or changed in the server.
Here is the issue:
~ Mysql is running OK.
~ Php is running OK.
~ PHP does not recognize mySql (see phpInfo here: http://www.shluchim.org/php.php).The extension is added in php.ini and other extensions are working fine. I really have no idea as what to do, let me know if you know an expert in PHP+MySql in IIS installation.
Any suggestions? I'm a web deigner and this is all Greek to me :-(.