
I have the following div popup window:

<div id='PopUp' style='display: none; position: absolute; height: auto; left: 13px; top: 10px; border: solid black 1px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgb(255,255,225);  opacity:.95; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; width: 70%; z-index:1200;'>
<iframe id=\"mate\" frameborder=0 scrolling=yes width=100%  src='client_edit/edit_client_data.php?customerid=$customerid' height=\"790\"  align=\"left\"></iframe><br />
<div valign=\"top\" style='text-align: right; display: inline; position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px;'><a onmouseover='this.style.cursor=\"pointer\" ' style='font-size: 12px;' onfocus='this.blur();' onclick=\"document.getElementById('PopUp').style.display = 'none' \" ><span valign='left' style=\"text-decoration: underline;\" ><img border='0' src='images/the-delete.png' width='22' height='20' title='Close Window'></span></a>

the popup is opened from its parent page with the following onclick event:

<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onmouseover=\"document.edit_info.src='images/edit-user-info2.png'\" onmouseout=\"document.edit_info.src='images/edit-user-info.png'\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('PopUp').style.display = 'block' \"><IMG SRC=\"images/edit-user-info.png\" NAME=\"edit_info\" width='40' height='40' title='Edit Customer Contacts' ALT=\"...\"></a>

Now when the popup is closed, I would like the parent page to automatically refresh. I would appreciate some help on this.

To close the popup, the following is invoked:

<div valign=\"top\" style='text-align: right; display: inline; position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px;'><a onmouseover='this.style.cursor=\"pointer\" ' style='font-size: 12px;' onfocus='this.blur();' onclick=\"document.getElementById('PopUp').style.display = 'none' \" ><span valign='left' style=\"text-decoration: underline;\" ><img border='0' src='images/the-delete.png' width='22' height='20' title='Close Window'></span></a>




I changed my popup div closing onclick closing event with:


rather than my older one:

onclick=\"document.getElementById('PopUp').style.display = 'none' \"

working fine!

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