Hi People,
Got a php related issue..
I have a form Which has some textboxes, few checkoxes and a Textarea.
Say for example,
And then the checkbox values.......
Hobbies (Reading, Trekking, Gardening, Outdoor Sports, Birding)
Once I click the submit button, All my data gets inserted in the database. I'm storing the checkbox value as a string in the Hobbies column in the database.
Now I wanna retreive my data, for this I'm showing my stored data in tabular format and corresponding to each row is an EDIT link.
Once I click the EDIT link....... The same form gets displayed, but all the set of values of that particulr row gets popped up in those textboxes. I can then Edit it and after clicking submit my data gets updated in the database.
Problem is with checkbox.
Say, while filling the form, I had selected
Name: Albert
Email: albert@yahho.com
Address: USA
and from Hobbies only Reading and Trekking were checked and submitted.
Now when I click on Edit link. I waana retreive the stored data from database and pop it into respective textbox. That is working fine. Problem is I wanna display all the checkbox values but only Reading and Birding as checked, since these 2 values were checked at the time of form submit.
I hope I'm clear.
Sorry for the lengthy post.