Hello everyone, I have 2 issues that I've been trying to solve for days now
1. I'm trying to display an error message if a user tries to purchase more quantities of an item than what are actually available
2. I can't figure out how to decrease the actual in stock quantity of an item when a user clicks on the 'Place order' button on my site
If anyone has knowledge of this please reply or send me a message thanks
here is the code I have for the shopping cart page
// shopping cart
//calculate shopping cart value
if (isset($_GET["shopping_cart"]) || isset($_POST["shopping_cart"]))
if (isset($_GET["add2cart"]) && $_GET["add2cart"]>0) //add product to cart with productID=$add
$q = db_query("select in_stock from ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." where productID='".$_GET["add2cart"]."'") or die (db_error());
$is = db_fetch_row($q); $is = $is[0];
//$_SESSION[gids] contains product IDs
//$_SESSION[counts] contains product quantities ($_SESSION[counts][$i] corresponds to $_SESSION[gids][$i])
//$_SESSION[gids][$i] == 0 means $i-element is 'empty'
if (!isset($_SESSION["gids"]))
$_SESSION["gids"] = array();
$_SESSION["counts"] = array();
//check for current item in the current shopping cart content
while ($i<count($_SESSION["gids"]) && $_SESSION["gids"][$i] != $_GET["add2cart"]) $i++;
if ($i < count($_SESSION["gids"])) //increase current product's quantity
else //no item - add it to $gids array
$_SESSION["gids"][] = $_GET["add2cart"];
$_SESSION["counts"][] = 1;
header("Location: index.php?shopping_cart=yes");
if (isset($_GET["remove"]) && $_GET["remove"] > 0) //remove from cart product with productID == $remove
while ($i<count($_SESSION["gids"]) && $_SESSION["gids"][$i] != $_GET["remove"]) $i++;
if ($i<count($_SESSION["gids"])) $_SESSION["gids"][$i] = 0;
header("Location: index.php?shopping_cart=yes");
if (isset($_POST["update"])) //update shopping cart content
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val)
if (strstr($key, "count_"))
//select product's in stock level
$q = db_query("select in_stock from ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." where productID='".str_replace("count_","",$key)."'") or die (db_error());
$is = db_fetch_row($q); $is = $is[0];
if ($val > 0)
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION["gids"]); $i++)
if ($_SESSION["gids"][$i] == str_replace("count_","",$key))
$_SESSION["counts"][$i] = floor($val);
else //remove
while ($_SESSION["gids"][$i] != str_replace("count_","",$key) && $i<count($_SESSION["gids"])) $i++;
$_SESSION["gids"][$i] = 0;
header("Location: index.php?shopping_cart=yes");
if (isset($_GET["clear_cart"])) //completely clear shopping cart
//clear cart
header("Location: index.php?shopping_cart=yes");
//shopping cart items count
$c = 0;
if (isset($_SESSION["gids"]))
for ($j=0; $j<count($_SESSION["gids"]); $j++)
if ($_SESSION["gids"][$j]) $c += $_SESSION["counts"][$j];
//not empty?
if (isset($_SESSION["gids"]) && $c)
$k = 0; //total cart value
$products = array();
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION["gids"]); $i++)
if ($_SESSION["gids"][$i])
$q = db_query("SELECT name, Price, product_code FROM ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." WHERE productID='".$_SESSION["gids"][$i]."'") or die (db_error());
if ($r = db_fetch_row($q))
$tmp = array("id"=>$_SESSION["gids"][$i], "name"=>$r[0], "quantity"=>$_SESSION["counts"][$i], "cost"=>show_price($_SESSION["counts"][$i]*$r[1]), "product_code"=>$r[2]);
$products[] = $tmp;
$k += $_SESSION["counts"][$i]*$r[1];
$smarty->assign("cart_content", $products);
$smarty->assign("cart_total", show_price($k));
$smarty->assign("cart_total", "");
$smarty->assign("main_content_template", "shopping_cart.tpl.html");
this is the code for my order page
//place order: save to the database, send notifications, gateway processing
if (isset($_GET["order_placement_result"])) //show 'order successful' page
$smarty->assign("order_id", $_SESSION["order_id"]);
$smarty->assign("order_amount", $_SESSION["order_amount"]);
$smarty->assign("main_content_template", "order_place.tpl.html");
$smarty->assign("order_is_placed", $_GET["order_placement_result"]);
else if (isset($_POST["complete_order"])) //place order
//shopping cart items count
$c = 0;
if (isset($_SESSION["gids"]))
for ($j=0; $j<count($_SESSION["gids"]); $j++)
if ($_SESSION["gids"][$j]) $c += $_SESSION["counts"][$j];
//not empty?
if (isset($_SESSION["gids"]) && $c)
//insert order into database
db_query("insert into ".ORDERS_TABLE." (order_time, cust_firstname, cust_lastname, cust_email, cust_country, cust_zip, cust_state, cust_city, cust_address, cust_phone) values ('".get_current_time()."','".$_POST["first_name"]."','".$_POST["last_name"]."','".$_POST["email"]."','".$_POST["country"]."','".$_POST["zip"]."','".$_POST["state"]."','".$_POST["city"]."','".$_POST["address"]."','".$_POST["phone"]."');") or die (db_error());
$oid = db_insert_id(); //order ID
//now move shopping cart content to the database
$k = 0; //total cart value
$products = array();
$adm = ""; //order notification for administrator
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION["gids"]); $i++)
if ($_SESSION["gids"][$i])
$q = db_query("SELECT name, Price, product_code, in_stock, items_sold FROM ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." WHERE productID='".$_SESSION["gids"][$i]."'") or die (db_error());
if ($r = db_fetch_row($q))
//product info
$tmp = array(
($_SESSION["counts"][$i]*$r[1])." ".$currency_iso_3,
$r[3] = $r[3]--,
$r[4] = $r[4]++
//store ordered products info into database
$articul = trim($tmp[4]) ? "[".$tmp[4]."] " : "";
db_query("insert into ".ORDERED_CARTS_TABLE." (orderID, productID, name, Price, Quantity) values ('$oid', '".$tmp[0]."', '".$articul.$tmp[1]."', '".$r[1]."', '".$tmp[2]."');");
$products[] = $tmp;
//update order amount
$k += $_SESSION["counts"][$i]*$r[1];
//order notification for administrator - update
$adm .= $articul.$tmp[1]." (x".$tmp[2]."): ".$tmp[3]."\n";
//assign order content to smarty
$smarty_mail->assign("order_content", $products);
$smarty_mail->assign("order_total", $k." ".$currency_iso_3);
$smarty_mail->assign("order_id", $oid);
$smarty_mail->assign("order_custname", $_POST["first_name"]." ".$_POST["last_name"]);
$smarty_mail->assign("order_shipping_address", $_POST["address"]."\n".$_POST["city"]." ".$_POST["state"]." ".$_POST["zip"]."\n".$_POST["country"]);
$_SESSION["order_id"] = $oid;
$_SESSION["order_amount"] = $k;
//send message to customer
mail($_POST["email"], EMAIL_CUSTOMER_ORDER_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT, $smarty_mail->fetch("order_notification.tpl.html"), "From: \"".CONF_SHOP_NAME."\"<".CONF_GENERAL_EMAIL.">\n".stripslashes(EMAIL_MESSAGE_PARAMETERS)."\nReturn-path: <".CONF_GENERAL_EMAIL.">");
//notification for administrator
$od = STRING_ORDER_ID.": $oid\n\n";
$adm .= "\n".CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME." ".$_POST["first_name"]."\n".CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME." ".$_POST["last_name"]."\n".CUSTOMER_ADDRESS.": ".$_POST["country"].", ".$_POST["zip"].", ".$_POST["state"].", ".$_POST["city"].", ".$_POST["address"]."\n".CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER.": ".$_POST["phone"]."\n".CUSTOMER_EMAIL.": ".$_POST["email"];
//show order placement result
header("Location: index.php?order_placement_result=1");
else //empty shopping cart
header("Location: index.php?shopping_cart=yes");