Hi all,
I have the following code to process through my requests, then use in a database. FIRST of all, I was wondering if i have it in the right order, and SECOND, if there are any other steps i could do to secure up my application. have a look, use it if you like, and feel free to elaborate on any other security steps that could be used.
cheers team
$arr = array("submit", "itemID", "item_code", "description", "list_exc", "trade_exc", "rrp_exc", "length", "quantity", "lastUp");
foreach ($arr as $value)
$$value = $_REQUEST[$value] ;
$$value = stripslashes($$value);
$$value = mysql_real_escape_string($$value);
echo "now i write the item_code as + $item_code + and use it for example";