Hey guys, I've been stuck on this problem for quite some time now. I'm trying to have someone type some text into CK editor and then I want to count how many bold, italic, or underlined words have been typed.
I've managed to count the number of tags there are (EI: a single word or group of words that are sorrounded by a bold '<b>' tag)
I can also manage to count the number of words that are in the first tag. if there is only 1 set of styled consecutive word this works (IE: you dont have bold words spread out throughout the text), however, I can't count how many words are in the next index of start and end tags.
below is an example of where I am now. hopefully it's enough to get the idea. Let me know if you need anything else. I've been building from a wordcount plugin
function ShowWordCount(evt) {
var editor = evt.editor;
if ($('div#cke_wordcount_'+editor.name).length > 0) { // Check element exists
// Because CKEditor uses Javascript to load parts of the editor, some of its elements are not immediately available in the DOM
// Therefore, I use setTimeout. There may be a better way of doing this.
setTimeout(function() {
var bcount = 0;
var icount = 0;
var ucount = 0;
var wordCount = GetWordCount(editor.getData());
// count b, i, and u tags inside ckeditor frame, then count the number of words in each
var b = (editor.getData().split('<b>').length - 1);
var i = (editor.getData().split('<i>').length - 1);
var u = (editor.getData().split('<u>').length - 1);
var bcount = (bcount + editor.getData().substring(editor.getData().indexOf('<b>'), editor.getData().indexOf('</b>')).split(' ').length - 1);
var icount = (icount + editor.getData().substring(editor.getData().indexOf('<i>'), editor.getData().indexOf('</i>')).split(' ').length - 1);
var ucount = (ucount + editor.getData().substring(editor.getData().indexOf('<u>'), editor.getData().indexOf('</u>')).split(' ').length - 1);
$('div#cke_wordcount_'+editor.name).html('Words Used (Max 50): '+wordCount+' ||b'+bcount+' i'+icount+' u'+ucount+'||');
// Check we are within word limit
if (wordCount > 50) {
document.getElementById('cke_wordcount_contents').style.color = 'red'
} else if (wordCount == 50) {
// Create an undo snapshot as we are on the word limit - next word entered will be undone to return
// to this snapshot point.
document.getElementById('cke_wordcount_contents').style.color = 'red'
} else {
document.getElementById('cke_wordcount_contents').style.color = 'black'
}, 500);
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
EDIT: I've tried several different loops similar to indexof('string', (indexof('string') + i)); with no luck.