I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing. After the end user selects one or more classes, they go to a page that runs a foreach statement to determine which discount to use on each class. But it doesn't seem to be adding the resulting total to the array, so I can create a final total of all class costs.
Here's what I've got so far...
line 80 starts the empty array
Line 82 is the foreach statement
Line 143 is where I try to put into the array
Line 160 I tried to total up the array
.I get 0.
// connect to database
$discount = mysql_escape_string($_POST['discount']);
$donation = mysql_escape_string($_POST['donation']);
$total = mysql_escape_string($_POST['total']);
/* start insert of new math */
$discount_code = mysql_escape_string($_POST['discount']); //The discount code, if entered.
//$selected_classes = array(217 => 1, 215 => 2); //How many of each class was selected. class_id => quantity
$selected_classes = $_SESSION['s_filtered'];
$grand_total = 0;
// Built an array with information about each class, and what discount it can get.
$classes = array();
foreach ($selected_classes as $class => $quantity)
{ $testquery = "SELECT * FROM `active_discounts` LEFT JOIN tbl_discount ON active_discounts.disc_id = tbl_discount.discount_id WHERE `code` = '{$discount_code}' AND `class_id` = '{$class}'";
$result = mysql_query($testquery);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
$discount_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$discount_type = $discount_row['discount_type'];
$discount_value = $discount_row['discount_amount'];
$discount_name = $discount_row['discount_name'];
$active_inactive = $discount_row['active_inactive'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_workshops` WHERE `workshop_id` = '{$class}'");
$class_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$class_name = $class_row['workshop_title'];
$class_cost = $class_row['workshop_price'];
$classes[$class]['workshop_title'] = $class_name;
$classes[$class]['workshop_price'] = $class_cost;
$classes[$class]['active_inactive'] = $active_inactive;
$classes[$class]['discount_name'] = $discount_name;
$classes[$class]['discount_type'] = $discount_type;
$classes[$class]['discount_value'] = $discount_value;
$classes[$class]['quantity'] = $quantity;
// The section below was supposed to be for when there was no discount. (nothing in the active_discounts table)
else {
$discount_value = "0";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_workshops WHERE workshop_id = '{$class}'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$grand_total = $row['workshop_price'] * $quantity;
$p[] = $grand_total;
else {
// The class doesnt exist
// set some constants to make the code more readible.
define("OFF_TOTAL", 1);
define("OFF_INDIVIDUAL", 2);
define("PERC_TOTAL", 3);
define("PERC_INDIVIDUAL", 4);
define("OFF_FRIEND", 5);
define("PERC_FRIEND", 6);
// Now we loop through each class and take off any valid discounts
$p = array();
foreach ($classes as &$class)
if ($class['discount_type'] == OFF_INDIVIDUAL)
$total = $class_cost * $class[quantity];
$discount = $class[quantity] * $class[discount_value];
$total = $total - $discount;
/* $grand_total += $total;*/
$grand_total += (float)$total;
if ($class['discount_type'] == PERC_INDIVIDUAL)
$total = $class_cost * $class[quantity];
// did say $total = $class[cost] * $class[quantity];
$discount = ($class[discount_value] / 100) * $class_cost;
$total = $total - $discount;
/* $grand_total += $total;*/
$grand_total += (float)$total;
if ($class['discount_type'] == OFF_FRIEND)
$firstclass = $class_cost-$class[discount_value];
$total = $class_cost * $class[quantity] - $class[discount_value];
/* $grand_total += $total;*/
$grand_total += (float)$total;
if ($class['discount_type'] == PERC_FRIEND)
$discount = ($class[discount_value] / 100) * $class_cost;
$total = $class_cost * $class[quantity] - $discount;
/* $grand_total += $total;*/
$grand_total += (float)$total;
if($discount_type == PERC_TOTAL)
$total = mysql_escape_string($_POST['total']);
$discount = ($class[discount_value] / 100) * $total;
$grand_total = $total - $discount;
if ($class[discount_type] == OFF_TOTAL)
$discount_value = $class[discount_value];
$grand_total = ($class_cost * $class[quantity])-$discount_value;
$p[] = $grand_total;
$final_total = $grand_total;
$_SESSION['s_total_price'] = $final_total;
if ($_SESSION['s_total_price'] == 0) {
$_SESSION['$pay_or_not'] = "1";
/*header("Location: register4free.php"); */
$final_total2 = array_sum($p);
/* end insert of new math */