Getting the following error while running the website script
Parse error: parse error, expecting `';'' in F:\xampp 1.7.1\xampp\htdocs\engine\includes\functions.php on line 23
Please help to solve this. Here is the coding of functions.php from line 1 till end
function paging( $frontUrl, $backUrl, $currentPage, $rowsPerPage, $allRows )
global $langArray;
if ( $allRows <= $rowsPerPage && !check_debug( ) )
return "";
$paging = "<div class=\"pagination\"><div class=\"page_numbers\"><span class=\"page-first\">".$langArray['page']."</span>";
$pages = ceil( $allRows / $rowsPerPage );
if ( 2 < $currentPage )
$paging .= "<a href=\"".$frontUrl."1".$backUrl."\" title=\"First page\" class=\"arrows\">«</a>";
if ( 1 < $currentPage )
$paging .= ( "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.( $currentPage - 1 ) ).$backUrl."\" title=\"Previous page\" class=\"arrows\">‹</a>";
if ( 10 < $pages )
if ( $currentPage == 1 )
$i = 1;
for ( ; do ;
$i <= 10; ++$i, )
$paging .= "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.$i.$backUrl."\" ".( $i == $currentPage ? " class=\"selected\"" : " class=\"normal\"" ).">".$i."</a>";
} while ( 1 );
else if ( $currentPage == $pages )
$i = $pages - 10;
for ( ; do
$i <= $pages; ++$i, )
$paging .= "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.$i.$backUrl."\" ".( $i == $currentPage ? " class=\"selected\"" : " class=\"normal\"" ).">".$i."</a>";
} while ( 1 );
$start = $currentPage - 5;
if ( $start < 1 )
$start_at = 1;
$end = -1 * $start + 5 + $currentPage;
$start_at = $start;
$end = $start_at + 10;
if ( $pages < $end )
$start_at -= $end - $pages;
$end = $pages;
$i = $start_at;
for ( ; do
$i <= $end; ++$i, )
$paging .= "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.$i.$backUrl."\" ".( $i == $currentPage ? " class=\"selected\"" : " class=\"normal\"" ).">".$i."</a>";
} while ( 1 );
$i = 1;
for ( ; $i <= $pages; ++$i )
$paging .= "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.$i.$backUrl."\" ".( $i == $currentPage ? " class=\"selected\"" : " class=\"normal\"" ).">".$i."</a>";
if ( $currentPage < $pages )
$paging .= ( "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.( $currentPage + 1 ) ).$backUrl."\" title=\"Next page\" class=\"arrows\">›</a>";
if ( $currentPage + 1 < $pages )
$paging .= "<a href=\"".$frontUrl.$pages.$backUrl."\" title=\"Last page\" class=\"arrows\">»</a>";
$toPages = $currentPage * $rowsPerPage;
if ( $allRows < $toPages )
$toPages = $allRows;
return ( $paging."</div><p class=\"page_items\">".( ( $currentPage - 1 ) * $rowsPerPage + 1 ) )." - ".$toPages." ".$langArray['of']." ".$allRows." ".$langArray['themes']."</p></div>";
function timeLeft( $integer )
$days = "";
$weeks = "";
$hours = "";
$minutes = "";
$return = "";
$seconds = $integer;
if ( 1 <= $seconds / 60 )
$minutes = floor( $seconds / 60 );
if ( 1 <= $minutes / 60 )
$hours = floor( $minutes / 60 );
if ( 1 <= $hours / 24 )
$days = floor( $hours / 24 );
if ( 1 <= $days / 7 )
$weeks = floor( $days / 7 );
if ( 2 <= $weeks )
return "{$weeks} weeks";
return "{$weeks} week";
$days -= floor( $days / 7 ) * 7;
if ( 2 <= $days )
return "{$days} days";
if ( $days == 1 )
return "{$days} day";
$hours -= floor( $hours / 24 ) * 24;
if ( 2 <= $hours )
$return = "{$hours} hours";
if ( $hours == 1 )
$return = "{$hours} hour";
$minutes -= floor( $minutes / 60 ) * 60;
if ( 2 <= $minutes )
return "{$return} {$minutes} minutes";
if ( $minutes == 1 )
return "{$return} {$minutes} minute";
$seconds = $integer - floor( $integer / 60 ) * 60;
if ( 2 <= $seconds )
return "{$seconds} seconds";
if ( $seconds == 1 )
return "{$seconds} second";
return "0 seconds";
function yearsOld( $birthday )
if ( ( $birthday = strtotime( $birthday ) ) === FALSE )
return FALSE;
$i = 0;
while ( $birthday < strtotime( "-".$i." year" ) )
return $i - 1;
function getSignByDate( $day, $month )
if ( !( $month == 1 ) && 21 <= $day || $month == 2 && $day <= 19 )
$sign = 1;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 2 ) && 20 <= $day || $month == 3 && $day <= 20 )
$sign = 2;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 3 ) && 21 <= $day || $month == 4 && $day <= 20 )
$sign = 3;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 4 ) && 21 <= $day || $month == 5 && $day <= 20 )
$sign = 4;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 5 ) && 21 <= $day || $month == 6 && $day <= 21 )
$sign = 5;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 6 ) && 22 <= $day || $month == 7 && $day <= 22 )
$sign = 6;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 7 ) && 23 <= $day || $month == 8 && $day <= 22 )
$sign = 7;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 8 ) && 23 <= $day || $month == 9 && $day <= 22 )
$sign = 8;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 9 ) && 23 <= $day || $month == 10 && $day <= 23 )
$sign = 9;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 10 ) && 24 <= $day || $month == 11 && $day <= 22 )
$sign = 10;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 11 ) && 23 <= $day || $month == 12 && $day <= 21 )
$sign = 11;
return $sign;
if ( !( $month == 12 ) && 22 <= $day || $month == 1 && $day <= 20 )
$sign = 12;
return $sign;
function deleteFile( $path )
if ( is_file( $path ) )
return unlink( $path );
return FALSE;
function cyr2lat( $input )
$cyr = array( "Щ", "Ш", "Ч", "Ц", "Ю", "Я", "Ж", "А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Е", "З", "И", "Й", "К", "Л", "М", "Н", "О", "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "У", "Ф", "Х", "Ь", "Ъ", "щ", "ш", "ч", "ц", "ю", "я", "ж", "а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "е", "з", "и", "й", "к", "л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ф", "х", "ь", "ъ", " " );
$lat = array( "Sht", "Sh", "Ch", "Tz", "Yu", "Ya", "Zh", "A", "B", "V", "G", "D", "E", "Z", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "R", "S", "T", "U", "F", "H", "Io", "Y", "sht", "sh", "ch", "tz", "yu", "ya", "zh", "a", "b", "v", "g", "d", "e", "z", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "r", "s", "t", "u", "f", "h", "io", "y", "_" );
$cyrCount = count( $cyr );
$i = 0;
for ( ; $i < $cyrCount; ++$i )
$current_cyr = $cyr[$i];
$current_lat = $lat[$i];
$input = str_replace( $current_cyr, $current_lat, $input );
return $input;
function cp1251_to_utf8( $s )
$t = "";
$c209 = chr( 209 );
$c208 = chr( 208 );
$c129 = chr( 129 );
$i = 0;
for ( ; $i < strlen( $s ); ++$i )
$c = ord( $s[$i] );
if ( 192 <= $c && $c <= 239 )
$t .= $c208.chr( $c - 48 );
else if ( 239 < $c )
$t .= $c209.chr( $c - 112 );
else if ( $c == 184 )
$t .= $c209.$c209;
else if ( $c == 168 )
$t .= $c208.$c129;
$t .= $s[$i];
return $t;
function utf8_to_cp1251( $s )
$out = "";
$byte2 = FALSE;
$c = 0;
for ( ; $c < strlen( $s ); ++$c )
$i = ord( $s[$c] );
if ( $i <= 127 )
$out .= $s[$c];
if ( $byte2 )
$new_c2 = ( $c1 & 3 ) * 64 + ( $i & 63 );
$new_c1 = $c1 >> 2 & 5;
$new_i = $new_c1 * 256 + $new_c2;
if ( $new_i == 1025 )
$out_i = 168;
else if ( $new_i == 1105 )
$out_i = 184;
$out_i = $new_i - 848;
$out .= chr( $out_i );
$byte2 = FALSE;
if ( $i >> 5 == 6 )
$c1 = $i;
$byte2 = TRUE;
return $out;
function replaceEmoticons( $text )
global $config;
$codes = array_keys( $config['emoticons'] );
$images = array_values( $config['emoticons'] );
$tmp = array( );
foreach ( $images as $k => $v )
$tmp[$k] = "<img src=\"".DATA_SERVER."/images/emoticons/".$v."\" alt=\"emoticon\" />";
return str_ireplace( $codes, $tmp, $text );