I have two ajax mysql php 2 drop down select that I am populating... i'm doing something stupid... anyone have any suggestions... or pointers....?


<?php require_once('dbconfig.php'); ?>
if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") 
  if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;

  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;

$colname_country = "-1";
if (isset($_GET['countryid'])) {
  $colname_country = $_GET['countryid'];
mysql_select_db($database_dbfacelist, $dbfacelist);
$query_country = sprintf("SELECT * FROM country WHERE countryid = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_country, "text"));
$country = mysql_query($query_country, $dbfacelist) or die(mysql_error());
$row_country = mysql_fetch_assoc($country);
$totalRows_country = mysql_num_rows($country);

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function get_cities(countryid)
       type: "POST",
       url: "cities.php", /* The country id will be sent to this file */
       beforeSend: function () {
      $("#city").html("<option>Loading ...</option>");
       data: "countryid="+countryid,
       success: function(msg){



$sql_country = "SELECT * FROM country";
$result_country = mysql_query($sql_country);
echo "<select name='country' onChange='get_cities(this.value)'>"; //get_cities is defined below
while($row_country = mysql_fetch_array($result_country))
echo "<option value='".$row_country['id']."'>".$row_country['country']."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<select name='city' id='city'></select>"; //We have given id to this dropdown




<?php require_once('dbconfig.php'); ?>
if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") 
  if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;

  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;

mysql_select_db($database_dbfacelist, $dbfacelist);
$query_city = "SELECT * FROM city";
$city = mysql_query($query_city, $dbfacelist) or die(mysql_error());
$row_city = mysql_fetch_assoc($city);
$totalRows_city = mysql_num_rows($city);

// Code for cities.php
$countryid = $_REQUEST['countryid'];
$sql_city = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE countryid = '".$countryid."'";
$result_city = mysql_query($sql_city);
echo "<select name='city'>";
while($row_city = mysql_fetch_array($result_city))
echo "<option value='".$row_city['id']."'>".$row_city['city']."</option>";
echo "</select>";


I just can't get the second box to load for some reason.. the ajax part loading... shows when selected.. but then nothing appears.. it looks like the second one is pulling for the right table... The only thing is im not using a number country id.. Im using something where usa=usa

I don't get anything in the second drop down

ok i figured it out... in mysql it turns out i was using & sign and i wasn't using utf8 that caused the issue.:)

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