Ok I have a promblem. Im getting a unidentified variable error from $found:

Whats wrong here?

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    **$found** = true;
    echo "Character/Alias: " . $row["CharName"] . "<br>Created: " . $row["CharBorn"] . "<br>Game: ";
    if ($row["CharGame"] == '0')
        echo "None";
        echo "In-Game";
    echo "No Characters/Aliases<br>";
    echo "<a href='create.php'>Create A Character/Alias</a>";

change 14

if(!$found === true)

Just declare $found variable above while loop..as currently if records not found in Query..you are geting error.

use below code:


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $found = true;
    echo "Character/Alias: " . $row["CharName"] . "<br>Created: " . $row["CharBorn"] . "<br>Game: ";
    if ($row["CharGame"] == '0')
        echo "None";
        echo "In-Game";
    echo "No Characters/Aliases<br>";
    echo "<a href='create.php'>Create A Character/Alias</a>";



thanx. worked out great

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