
Can any one provide me small code or way how can I read the below XML file in PHP.




I am not aware about the XML libraries in PHP.

You can read easily an XML document in PHP with simpleXML, it takes all the XML elements as a hierarchical tree.
Here is a code for your XML (For more details and examples with simpleXML, see this tutorial: http://www.coursesweb.net/php-mysql/php-simplexml ):

$xml = '<Countries>
//  load the content of the XML file and create a new XML object
$xmlobj = simplexml_load_string($xml);

// get and prints the name of the first element (root)
echo 'root: '. $xmlobj->getName() . '<br />';

// loops through the children of root
foreach($xmlobj->children() as $child) {
  echo $child->getName(). ': '. '<br />';          // print the name of the current child

  // if the child node has other children
  if($child->count()>1) {
    // loops through the child node, prints the name and the content of each $child2
    foreach($child as $child2) {
     echo $child2->getName(). ': '. $child2. '<br />';

      // if the child2 node has other children
      if($child2->count()>1) {
        // loops through the child2 node, prints the name and the content of each $child3
        foreach($child2 as $child3) {
         echo $child3->getName(). ': '. $child3. '<br />';

          // if the child3 node has other children
          if($child3->count()>1) {
            // loops through the child3 node, prints the name and the content of each $child4
            foreach($child3 as $child4) {
             echo $child4->getName(). ': '. $child4. '<br />';

Thanks MarPlo I have done with your help but now I need the result in the following way.

Country1  89,921  61
A1        1187  45
AA1       375  45

How can I read that in this format.

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