Hi I tried to resize image with file name ._DYK_RTH134_1000.jpg. I got the following errors     
    Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error.  If I am using image with name like DYK_RTH134_1000.jpg then its working fine. Some of my filename have special characters. like . ( ' etc.     
    Could anyone help me to sort out the problem???    

  Thanks & Regards

Find out if it really is the dot that is causing this. You can always change the filename to a temporary one, resize the image, and rename it back. There are reports of issues with CMYK images and images with headers, but I've not encountered this before.

Thank you for the reply. WIll do the way that you suggested....

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