Hi, As I know the barcode scanner is just like a keyboard. I want the barcode scanner scan the user ID before it enter to the system. May I know how to hide the textbox field but still able to handle the input from barcode scanner?

Hi, As I know the barcode scanner is just like a keyboard. I want the barcode scanner scan the user ID before it enter to the system. May I know how to hide the textbox field but still able to handle the input from barcode scanner?

Use IDs: <input id="hide>

in your CSS file, #hide { diplay: none;}

or more simply, <input style="display: none;" />

THis will simply not display the input but will still "load" it...

Or you can use this HTML code as well

<input type="hidden" value="" />

I think that is the same as using CSS to hide it.

If this solves your problem, then mark the thread as solved and don't let it be pending.

But if I hide the textbox, where and how should I enter the barcode?

You could let Javascript trap the input, and enter it in your hidden input.

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