Hi Every Body I have been working on a project Where user has to login and edit contents of his web
The thing happening is every page is working fine and there is no error except only in one page & which is freaking me out.....when i hit submit button following error displays....

**Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/iconspor/public_html/webadmin/submit_edit_scat.php:1) in /home/iconspor/public_html/webadmin/session.php on line 2

**Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/iconspor/public_html/webadmin/submit_edit_scat.php:1) in /home/iconspor/public_html/webadmin/submit_edit_scat.php on line 6

Here is the session.php

($_SESSION[ "myusername" ] == "" ){


The submit_edit_scat.php file here...

include "connection.php";
include  "session.php";
$sql=mysql_query("UPDATE scat set scat='".$_REQUEST["scat"]."' WHERE sid=".$_REQUEST["sid"]." and fid=".$_REQUEST["fid"]."");

Try including the "session.php" before "connecting.php" :)

and if nothing works try this:

1st line of your page, even html
<? ob_start();//Start buffer output ?>

and the last line of your page
<? ob_flush();//Flush buffer output ?>

and i've pick that trick in one of the DaniWeb thread which i dont remember when and where. Try to do search.

Really help me out.

I dont know how...
But I wrote the code again & Use


extra in it...
& it work... Thx God....

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