I am trying to get into php object oriented programming.

class myClass{

public $myVar="this is demo";

public function myTextdemo(){
        echo $myVar;
$obj= new myClass;
echo $obj->$myVar;


It says

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property on line 11

What's wrong with my code?

Change it like this:

class myClass
    public $myVar="this is demo";

    public function myTextdemo()
        return $this->myVar; # the problem was here

$obj = new myClass();
echo $obj->myVar; # and here you wrote $obj->$myVar with an extra $

use return to output data from a function not echo and use $this inside the class functions, otherwise the declared property will not be considered and you will get an error like Undefined variable...


bye! :)

Awesome. Solved. THanks cereal :)

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