I am a volunteer at our local library. 5 months ago a clerk somewhere on the web shut down the site accidentally. Last week I had the site up after removing 18 MB of empty lines from both the index and default pages. Yesterday the Frontpage extensions went away from the site. I have created a new index page using Kompozer. However when I try to reach the site I get an error of Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. How can I upload the new index page if no one can reach the site? The site should be a www.someplace.org and is hosted by a .com host. The library has both Expressions 4 and Kompozer available.Any help will be appreciated.

Directory Listing Denied

Means you cannot get a directory list of the root folder. Uploading a page has nothing to do with this. Once index.html has been uploaded (ftp), you should be able to reach it.

You typically manage the content by uploading via FTP. Do you know which provider is hosting this for you? And if you do, do you have your username and password so you can log onto the account and manage it? From the managment console, you should see options to create/modify FTP access. Username and password info should be accessible there.

Then take a typical client FTP application, such as FileZilla which is very good, then upload your content to the provider.

Thanks to all that responded. Found out that host keeps backup. Did log-in to account, managed account and restored site to Frontpage. Now, since we can access it again, will exchange everything Frontpage to either Expressions 4 or Kompozer. Thanks again for the

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