Hello, I have one CMS with fixed layout. In that I have make few changes depends on my current URL.
If I am on my home page so This class given below is
div.layout-column.column-main.with-column-1.with-column-2 = width:790;
And If I am of some other page so this same class look like this.
div.layout-column.column-main.with-column-1.with-column-2 = width:790;
I have tried it but it's not working properly.
if (location.href.indexOf("example.com") == 1) {
document.write("<style>" +
"div.layout-column.column-main.with-column-1.with-column-2{" +
" width: 790px;" +
"}" +
document.write("<style>" +
"div.layout-column.column-main.with-column-1.with-column-2{" +
" width: 590px;" +
"}" +