anyone here knows how to delete or hide an array element in asp permanently or until the application? im currently developing an application wherein once an array element matches the typed text in the textbox it should be removed from the list. what my code does is it deletes the last element and returns it when a new word is typed which is wrong. Im a newbie in asp by the way , here's my code
<% Dim item
Dim words(3)
words(0) = "hello"
words(1) = "again"
words(2) = "world"
words(3) = "display"
Dim i
For i=LBound(words) to UBound(words)
Response.Write words(i) & "<br>"
Function in_array(element, arr)
For i=0 to Ubound(arr)
If Trim (arr(i)) = Trim(element) Then
in_array = true
Exit Function
in_array = false
End if
End Function
str= Request.QueryString("searchWord")
if in_array(str,words) Then
delete words, 0
Response.Write words(ubound(words)-1)
End If
Sub delete(ByRef ar, ByVal idx)
Dim i
Dim ub
ub = UBound(ar) - 1
For i = idx To ub
ar(i) = ar(i + 1)
ReDim Preserve my_words(ub)
End Sub