What I am trying to do is a prize page that comes up every XX pages surfed. The new page would consist of three muscle cars that the user would click on their choice (hood is down). Choice would appear with hood up, showing engine which would have a changeable by admin prize in a space on the air cleaner of the engine (would be a point prize).
I will furnish graphics.
Best Regards,
Curt Bridges
Java Code Here:
doc = document;
function init()
// set up objects
stob = doc.forms["teaser"].stayer;
rob = doc.forms["teaser"].randomer;
swob = doc.forms["teaser"].switcher;
function proveIt()
// create/clear out array
doors = new Array(false,false,false);
// reset tallies
stwin = 0;
stloss = 0;
rwin = 0;
rloss = 0;
swwin = 0;
swloss = 0;
// clear out textareas
stob.value = "";
rob.value = "";
swob.value = "";
// loop through 100 times
for (l=100;l>0;l--)
// decide which door holds the prize
d = rand(3);
doors[d] = true;
// randomly pick a door
p = rand(3);
// randomly remove one of the loser doors
removed = false;
while (!removed)
r = rand(3);
if (r != d && r != p)
removedvalue = r;
removed = true;
// for randomer, randomly switch/stay
ss = rand(2);
if (ss==0)
// switch
switchstay = false;
while (!switchstay)
s1 = rand(3);
if (s1 != p && s1 != removedvalue)
switchstayvalue = s1;
switchstay = true;
// stay
switchstayvalue = p;
// for switcher, switch
for (s2=0;s2<3;s2++)
if (s2 != p && s2 != removedvalue)
switchervalue = s2;
switcher = true;
// determine outcomes
// stayer
if (d==p)
stob.value = stwin + " Winner\n" + stob.value;
stob.value = stloss + " Loser\n" + stob.value;
// randomer
if (d==switchstayvalue)
rob.value = rwin + " Winner\n" + rob.value;
rob.value = rloss + " Loser\n" + rob.value;
// switcher
if (d==switchervalue)
swob.value = swwin + " Winner\n" + swob.value;
swob.value = swloss + " Loser\n" + swob.value;
// write final tallies
stob.value = stwin + " winners\n" + stloss + " losses" + "\n-----\n" + stob.value;
rob.value = rwin + " winners\n" + rloss + " losses" + "\n-----\n" + rob.value;
swob.value = swwin + " winners\n" + swloss + " losses" + "\n-----\n" + swob.value;
// The Central Randomizer 1.3 (C) 1997 by Paul Houle (houle@msc.cornell.edu)
// See: http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/Ja...andomizer.html
// Usage: rand(n) returns random integer between 0 and n-1
rnd.today = new Date();
rnd.seed = rnd.today.getTime();
function rnd()
rnd.seed = (rnd.seed*9301+49297) % 233280;
return rnd.seed/(233280.0);
function rand(number)
return Math.ceil(rnd()*number)-1;