Hi ,

I want to display PHP Code on my a.php page , I use


echo $c;

in my HTML page , but when I Run this page it Gave me the Value of $c , But I want to print this code as it is , How I can able to write it over my PHP File????

I Don't want to heighlight My <?php ?> tag , Is there any other way to show ... without heiglighting???

You can use a CSS rule:

<style type="text/css">
code span { color: #000 !important; };

or just change the highlight_string() function with htmlentities():

echo '<pre><code>';
echo htmlentities($string);
echo '</code></pre>';

bye! :)

Member Avatar for diafol

You need to use htmlentities() to echo the code OR you can use &gt; for > and &lt; for <. Alternatively you can use the nowdoc syntax if you need literals for variables - however it doesn't like '<?php' and '?>' and it parses html tags .

NOWDOC (probably not worth it):

echo <<<'EOT'
echo $c;


USE &gt; etc:

echo $c;


echo htmlentities("<?php
echo $c;

Drat - sorry cereal - had this page opened this morning - missed all the intervening posts :(

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