Hope someone can help he because I'm at a loss.

I'm trying to set up a PHP local server on my new machine using ISS7 and Windows 7

I seem to have PHP installed correctly and it's linked with the ISS Manager. All of the necessary Window Features are turned on. However when I browse to //localhost/mysite/index.php all I see is the style sheet CSS with the page background color and title, but no php page content.

What am I missing??


Marty i run Win 7, but opted for XAMPP over IIS, less confirguration for intial setup

i don't know about ISS or windows server.
but i think you need an apache server on there.

and i also don't know if you want to learn howto do all this.
or you just want to get to php scripting asap.

if so try a wamp server, it's all bundle (Windows Apache MySQL PHP)
easy install: http://www.wampserver.com/en/

Thank you both for your help. I installed XAMPP as suggested but even with Apache over ISS, I still get the same problem. on my LocalHost all I see is the style sheet CSS with the page background color and title, but no php page content.

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Where are your files? Under htdocs or under a folder in htdocs?
Have you set up virtual host in your httpd-vhosts.conf file and a localhost reference in your hosts file?
Silly question - have you given the file a .php extension? Is Apache running (see the XAMPP control panel).

Thank you for your help. In answer to your questions:

  • Where are your files? Under a folder in htdocs
  • Have you set up virtual host in your httpd-vhosts.conf file? I don't understand this part. Could be the problem
  • A localhost reference in your hosts file? Yes
  • Have you given the file a .php extension? Yes
  • Is Apache running? Yes
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OK,if you're running everything under http:// localhost then the vhosts files don't matter too much. It's just when you want multiple sites. Hmm. I really can't say without seeing your code.

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