Hello! We have an older site that was recenlty scanned and shown to be vulnerable to cross-site scripting and SQl injection. It was suggested that we modify our code to use prepared statements/PDO. They even offered this as a sample snippit of code:
$user = 'xxxx';
$pass = 'xxxxx';
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=mysqlxxxxx.com;port=xxxx;dbname=Classroom', $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect.");
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM MainDB where ID = ?") or die("Could not prepare query");
if ($stmt->execute(array($_GET['room']))) {
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
However, I'm not sure how to even begin modifying our queries to take advantage of this? Could anyone suggest an example, or point me in the right direction? Here's is an example of one file I will need to modify:
$Room = $_REQUEST['room'];
$Style = "<style>\n";
$Style .= ".MarginSet {margin: 0px;";
$Style .= " padding: 0px;";
$Style .= " list-style-position: inside;}\n";
$Style .= ".CatHead {font-size: 115%;\n";
$Style .= " font-weight: bolder;}\n";
$Style .= "</style>\n\n";
<?php require("../topper.php"); ?>
<div id="centerwrap">
<div id="content">
<!-- Begin Main Text of Page -->
$dbQuery = "Select MainDB.SeatingCap, MainDB.ID, MainDB.Building, MainDB.Room, MainDB.ID, ";
$dbQuery .= "BuildingDB.BuildingName, BuildingDB.BuildingAbv, MainDB.Wheelchair, ";
$dbQuery .= "MainDB.Lighting, MainDB.AdditionalInfo, MainDB.Contact, ";
$dbQuery .= "LightingControlsDB.LightingControlsID, LightingControlsDB.LightingType, MainDB.Windows, WindowDB.WindowID, ";
$dbQuery .= "WindowDB.WindowTreatment, MainDB.FP";
$dbQuery .= " from MainDB ";
$dbQuery .= "Left JOIN BuildingDB on MainDB.Building = BuildingDB.BuildingID ";
$dbQuery .= "Left JOIN LightingControlsDB on MainDB.Lighting = LightingControlsDB.LightingControlsID ";
$dbQuery .= "Left JOIN WindowDB on MainDB.Windows = WindowDB.WindowID ";
$dbQuery .= "where MainDB.ID = '" . stripslashes($Room) . "' ";
$table = "Classroom";
$HumanRoom = mysql_result($results,$x,"BuildingDB.BuildingAbv"). mysql_result($results,$x,"Room");
$InstAbr = mysql_result($results,$x,"BuildingDB.BuildingAbv");
$InstRoom = mysql_result($results,$x,"Room");
$Info = mysql_result($results,$x,"MainDB.AdditionalInfo");
$Contact = mysql_result($results,$x,"MainDB.Contact");
$FP = mysql_result($results,$x,"MainDB.FP");
$dbQuery2 = "Select Room, Building, Abr, PDF from installed_rooms where Abr='" . $InstAbr ."' and Room='" . $InstRoom ."'";
$table2 = "cts_general";
$InstUrl = mysql_result($results2,0,"PDF");
echo "<a href='javascript:history.back();'>Return to Search Results</a> <a href='/~cts/roomdb/index.php'>New Search</a>";
echo "<h2>" . mysql_result($results,$x,"BuildingDB.BuildingName") . " (" . mysql_result($results,$x,"BuildingDB.BuildingAbv");
echo ") " . mysql_result($results,$x,"Room"). "</h2>\n";
echo "<table>\n<tr style='vertical-align: top;'>\n";
echo "<td width=505>";
echo "<img src='rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "a.jpg' style='width: 500px; border: 5px solid #7d110c;' name='BigImg' ID='BigImg'>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
// echo "<a href=\"javascript:document.BigImg.src = 'rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "a.jpg '\">";
echo "<img src='rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "at.jpg' style='border: 2px solid #7d110c; cursor: pointer;' onclick='document.BigImg.src = \"rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "a.jpg \"'>\n";
echo "<img src='rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "bt.jpg' style='border: 2px solid #7d110c; cursor: pointer;' onclick='document.BigImg.src = \"rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "b.jpg \"'>\n";
echo "<img src='rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "fpt.gif' style='border: 2px solid #7d110c; cursor: pointer;' onclick='document.BigImg.src = \"rooms/" . $HumanRoom . "fp.gif \"'>\n";
if($InstUrl != '')
echo "<a href='" . $InstUrl . "'>Classroom Usage Instructions</a>\n";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo "<span class='CatHead'>Contact Information</span><br />\n";
echo "<span margin-right: 200px;>For more information about this room please contact: " . $Contact;
echo "</span>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
//------------------End Left Margin------------>
//------------------Begin Right Margin ---------------->
echo "<td style='padding-left: 10px;'>";
echo "<span class='CatHead'>Physical Specification</span><br />\n";
echo "Seating Capacity: " . mysql_result($results,$x,"MainDB.SeatingCap") . "<br />\n";
echo "Lights: " . mysql_result($results,$x,"LightingControlsDB.LightingType") . "<br />\n";
echo mysql_result($results,$x,"WindowDB.WindowTreatment") . "<br />\n";
//<------------------------------- Chalkboard Info
$dbQuery2 = "Select Width, Height, Position from ChalkboardDB where MainDBID = " . $Room;
// print $dbQuery2;
$table2 = "Classroom";
while (mysql_Numrows($results2)>$y) //if there are records in the fields
echo "Chalkboard: ";
echo mysql_result($results2,$y,"Position") . ": " . mysql_result($results2,$y,"Width") . " foot wide<br />\n";
// <--------------------------------- End of chalkboard Info
echo "</div>";
echo "<br /><ul class='MarginSet'><span class='CatHead'>Technical Specifications</span><br />\n";
//<------------------------------- Projection Screen Info
$dbQuery2 = "Select DDP, Location, Width from ProjectionScreenDB where MainDBID = " . $Room;
// print $dbQuery2;
$table2 = "Classroom";
while (mysql_Numrows($results2)>$y) //if there are records in the fields
if(mysql_result($results2,$y,"DDP") == 1)
echo "Data Projector<br />\n";
echo "Screen: ";
echo "Screen: ";
echo mysql_result($results2,$y,"Location") . " " . mysql_result($results2,$y,"Width") . " foot wide<br />\n";
// echo "Projections Screens : " . mysql_result($results2,$y,"Location"). "<br />\n";
// <--------------------------------- End of screen Info
$dbQuery = "Select AmenityMainLink.MainDBID, AmenityMainLink.AmenityID, AmenityDB.Amenity, AmenityDB.Description, AmenityDB.MOrder";
$dbQuery .= " from AmenityDB ";
$dbQuery .= "Left JOIN AmenityMainLink on AmenityMainLink.AmenityID = AmenityDB.AmenityID ";
$dbQuery .= "where AmenityMainLink.MainDBID = '" . $Room . "' ";
$dbQuery .= " order by AmenityDB.MOrder";
$table = "Classroom";
while (mysql_Numrows($results)>$x)
echo "<li>" . mysql_result($results,$x,"AmenityDB.Amenity") . "</li>\n";
<li>Overhead Transparency Projector</li>
<li>Wireless Network Access in room</li>
<li>Active Network Jack</li>
if ($Info)
echo "<br /><span class='CatHead' style='margin: 10px;'>Room Notes:</span><br/>\n";
echo $Info;
<!-- End Main Text of Page -->
<!-- end content -->
<?php require("../footer.php"); ?>
Thanks in advanace!