Hi All
I Have 5 docking Zone in page1.Aspx File ..Now I drop Control window(ascx file) into Docking Zone..Those are Working Well.Now I Want refresh Particular one Ascx File on Page1.aspx and I Dont want page1.aspx refresh.I want Only particular one Ascx file Refresh Among 4 Ascx File.
I Tried Using Ajax
Ascx file:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="EmployeeInfoUpdatePanel" runat="server">
<table id="TDPropsGrid" runat="server" width="250px" ></table>
<asp:Button ID="Cmd_Previous" runat="server" Text="Previous" Width="100px" SkinID="ButtonSkin" />
<asp:Button ID="Cmd_Next" runat="server" Text="Next" Width="100px" SkinID="ButtonSkin" OnClick="Cmd_Next_Click"/>
in Aspx File
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true">
<dx:ASPxDockPanel ID="NewsPanel" runat="server" PanelUID="News" HeaderText="Details Form"
Left="820" Top="220" ToolTip="Details Form">
<widget:News runat="server" ID="News2" UpdateMode="Conditional" onCmd_Next_Click="Cmd_Next_Click" />
This Code Doesnot Work Properly .Every time Aspx File refresh.That I does not want....I want Only One Ascx file refresh..
Further I have No Idea How To Implement? Please Give me Some Idea To implement This ..
Thanks In Advance