Hiya Im designing an online music video library. Ive already done my registration and login scripts to register a new user. I have decided that to store the mp3s im gonna have a file system instead of storing them directly in the database.

Can someone please direct me on How i would do so, as I am not sure where to start thanks

1. u can store only links of mp3 files to database instead of storeing files into database.

2. u can programme script to read files list of specific directory where u put yr mp3s

But how would i do it

what part do you need to know? how to upload the file, parse the file to only those who are logged in?

1. u can store only links of mp3 files to database instead of storeing files into database.

This is not true. You can most definitely store mp3 files in a database. That is not to say, of course, that it's a good idea...

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