abby_babes 0 Newbie Poster

hi there! Can anyone help me on this...

I am currently working in a webbased application using CF 4.5 and SQL Server 2000 as backend. Im having problems with Session variables. The users are complaining for being kicked out while editing few items from quotation detail screen. the timeout actually happens even before the screen's idle for 15mins.

i have application.cfm code as follows:

<cfapplication name="schaar" sessionmanagement="Yes"
setclientcookies="Yes" sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,55,0)#"
<cfset dbname="schaardb">
<cfset dbuser = "schaaruser">
<cfset dbpwd = "schaarpwd">
<cfset dbrptpath = "http://neptune/schaar/rpts/" >
<cfset dbpath = "C:\web\schaar\csv\">
<cfset dbrptparm = "init=actx&user0=schaaruser&password0=schaarpwd">
<cfset dbrptparm2 = "init=html_frame&user0=schaaruser&password0=schaarpwd">
<cfset dbdateformat ="DD/MM/YYYY">
<cfset dbdateformat2 ="MM/DD/YYYY">

<cfquery name="qry1000" datasource="#dbname#" username="#dbuser#" password="#dbpwd#">
select top 1 * from tco_employee
<cfoutput query="qry1000">
<cflock timeout="30" throwontimeout="Yes" name="#Application.ApplicationName#" type="EXCLUSIVE">
<cfset appTitleFace = "#empl_id#">

i also have sessionchk.cfm code as follows:

<cflock timeout="30" name="Session.SessionID" type="READONLY">
<cfif isdefined("session.uuserrole")>
<cfif #trim(session.uuserrole)# EQ "X">
<cfset StructDelete(Session, "uuserID")>
<cfset StructDelete(Session, "uuserrole")>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<script language="JavaScript">alert('You must log-in first'); location.href="login.cfm";</script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<script language="JavaScript">alert('You must log-in first'); location.href="login.cfm";</script>

<cfset wan = 1>

pls help me.. ive been working on this issue for 5 weeks now.. extremely frustrating..