my site is working on internet explorer nicely but my site is not working on mozilla. pls any body help me

Please provide more information.

Could be your scripts.
Could be your html code.

my site i have coded in html and php. everthing work fine in internet explorer and opera
we browser. but when i tried in mozilla my site is not diplaying properly. this is not coding problem becos evetrythinf is fine in internet explorer. may it is problem with browser. i ahve included this
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

It's probably the CSS and the way it's applied on the site. Or it could the tags. IE is kinder with tags that don't match or aren't closed.


may work in IE but probably won't in Firefox.

Can you give us the URL?

the site is
yes u r right i m trying to closing some tags it is somwhat working i m in process
but in css margin-top:1cm workes differently in different browser
i m trying on the browser as

see the changes in mozilla and IE

If you are going to specify a doctype, validate by the doctype. Check the results of validating your page here.

You have quite a number of errors. Fix the errors, then compare the differences between the two browsers.

it's realy a very good tool to find the error in html

its is really very good thank u very much

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