I integrated my website to an e-payment platform, and after processing the payment, it redirects to a page with a dynamic url that is like this: http://www.abcdef.com/paymentsuccess.php?TransactionReference=2012101020201015T&OrderID=61373444. and i have a page created as paymentsuccess.php.

The question is this: what code snippet can I put inside this paymentsuccess.php to make it display regardless of the transactionreference and OrderId numbers sent from the payment platform

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The question is this: what code snippet can I put inside this paymentsuccess.php to make it display regardless of the transactionreference and OrderId numbers sent from the payment platform

I think you need to understand something, anything that is related to integrate shopping cart or any payment plan will most likely not be answer because you are getting pay to do that and it's unfair for the rest of Daniweb member not getting the fair share. There's no free lunch!

Daniweb is a educational forum. You can ask any questions and most likely any Daniweb member would gladly help you with anything. The only thing I or anyone in PHP section won't do is to help you integrate with Shopping Cart and Payment plans.

You can use different methodes for generating transactionreference Id and OrderId.

I prefer, create those id's related to your order table insert id

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