i am trying to learn java bean . i wanted to know how i have to compile and where. i m little bit confused.weather i need BDK?.PLEASE ANY BODY HELP ME

i am trying to learn java bean . i wanted to know how i have to compile and where. i m little bit confused.weather i need BDK?.PLEASE ANY BODY HELP ME


plz visit the site http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.html and there u can download the latest or the version you prefer. Install it in your pc and set the path to the related bin folder where java.exe exist.
If u r working win2000 go to mycomputer--properties--environment variables and set a new variable named PATH and give the value for ex:(c:/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin).
Now go to the command prompt ,then to the particular dir where, the java file resides and compile the java source code using javac filename.java.




plz visit the site http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.html and there u can download the latest or the version you prefer. Install it in your pc and set the path to the related bin folder where java.exe exist.
If u r working win2000 go to mycomputer--properties--environment variables and set a new variable named PATH and give the value for ex:(c:/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin).
Now go to the command prompt ,then to the particular dir where, the java file resides and compile the java source code using javac filename.java.



thanks for your reply. i tried as u told but i am getting the exception as
org.apache.jasper.JasperException:classname.class when i used java bean with my jsp page.

thanks for your reply. i tried as u told but i am getting the exception as
org.apache.jasper.JasperException:classname.class when i used java bean with my jsp page.

I'm not clear about, your bean configuration. place the class file in a package(dir) inside WEB-INF/classes. Be clear with the package name and the class name you are using.Access the bean via jsp using <jsp:useBean id="someid" class=packagename.classname>

post your code sample so that me or anyone will clarify.



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