var count = 6;
var time = setInterval(countdown, 1000);
function countdown() {
count = count - 1;
var cx = document.getElementById("cdown");
if (count < 0) {
count = 5
cx.innerHTML = count;
<p id="cdown">5</p>

This is a script for a count down from 5 to 0.
The numbers are very small on the website , how can I increase the size of the countdown numbers to extra large. You can see it on my page at http://www.giveaeuro.com and the numbers are tiny

if this is a javascript question, this might be a better place to ask it.

well, what number do you want to increase? the max (5) or the number that is subtracted each time? both values are hardcoded, it's not that difficult to just re-set the value.
as a comment: as far as I know: "extra large" is not a numerical value, so you may want to be a bit more precise in what it is you're trying to do to get the help you expect.

I think that this is a html problem. You can look at:
Click Here
To resize the text in the paragraph.
Please, forgive me if I am wrong.

It's always better to style all of your elements in a style sheet, but just to give you a quick answer, to style the paragraph element using an inline style..add..

id="cdown" style="font-size:value"

Value van be in em,px,pt for example. 2em or 36px

Let me try to explain what I need. I know knothing about scripts etc. I got a script to put a count down on my web site . It counts down from 5 to 0 and then repeats the problem is when I put it on the web site the countdown is tiny and not very easy to see. How can I make this bigger.

What you need can be achieved with html or with css.
You can employ the answer of JorgeM. I believe that nowadays css is preferred to html for styles.

Ok, so here is the exact code. I would again suggest the use of an external style sheet, but this will work...

<!DOCTYPE html>
#cdown {font-size:36px;}
 var count = 6;
 var time = setInterval(countdown, 1000);
 function countdown() {
    count = count - 1;
    var cx = document.getElementById("cdown");
      if (count < 0) {
      count = 5
    cx.innerHTML = count;
<p id="cdown">5</p>
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