I got an error while running my code, it says call to a member function getBallparkDetailsStartDate() on a non-object.

 if($projectStatusId == ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE) {
    $ballpark = $this->ballparkDetailsHandler->getBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId);
    $projectDetails["startdate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsStartDate();
    $projectDetails["enddate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsEndDate();
    $projectDetails["projectid"] = $projectId;
    $projectDetails["name"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsBookingRef();
    $projectDetails["status"] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE;          

I got the error in this line: $projectDetails["startdate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsStartDate();

Here is my other code:

class BallparkDetails {
private $ballparkDetailsId;
private $project;
private $ballparkDetailsBookingRef;
private $ballparkDetailsStartDate;
private $ballparkDetailsEndDate;
private $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate;
private $ballparkDetailsDescription;
private $ballparkDetailsNotes;

public function __construct($ballparkDetailsId, $project, 
        $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate, 
        $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, $ballparkDetailsDescription, 
        $ballparkDetailsNotes) {
    $this->ballparkDetailsId = $ballparkDetailsId;
    $this->project = $project;
    $this->ballparkDetailsBookingRef = $ballparkDetailsBookingRef;
    $this->ballparkDetailsStartDate = $ballparkDetailsStartDate;
    $this->ballparkDetailsEndDate = $ballparkDetailsEndDate;
    $this->ballparkDetailsExpiryDate = $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate;
    $this->ballparkDetailsDescription = $ballparkDetailsDescription;
    $this->ballparkDetailsNotes = $ballparkDetailsNotes;

public function getBallparkDetailsId() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsId;

public function getProject() {
    return $this->project;

public function getBankName() {
    return $this->getProject()->getBankName();

public function getBankRef() {
    return $this->getProject()->getBankRef();

public function getRegionName() {
    return $this->getProject()->getRegionName();

public function getProjectStatusName() {
    return $this->getProject()->getProjectStatusName();

public function getBallparkDetailsBookingRef() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsBookingRef;

public function getBallparkDetailsStartDate() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsStartDate;

public function getBallparkDetailsEndDate() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsEndDate;

public function getBallparkDetailsExpiryDate() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsExpiryDate;

public function getBallparkDetailsDescription() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsDescription;

public function getBallparkDetailsNotes() {
    return $this->ballparkDetailsNotes;

public function getProjectId() {
    return $this->getProject()->getProjectId();

public function getProjectStatusId() {
    return $this->getProject()->getProjectStatusId();


The last time I check this it ran well. But now I don't know what's wrong with this? Please help me find the error. Thanks.

That means that this line:

$ballpark = $this->ballparkDetailsHandler->getBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId);

returns null to $ballpark, then on the next line it is not possible to call the function because there's no valid object.

How to solve this problem pritaeas? Please help me it's driving me nuts.

I don't know your code. I'd start with checking what happens in getBallparkDetailsByProjectId()

For your reference this is the whole code of ViewWorkloadController:


class ViewWorkloadController extends Controller implements ControllerInterface {
private $weekHandler;
private $employeeHandler;
private $ballparkDetailsHandler;
private $projectDetailsHandler;
private $employeeHolidayHandler;

private $projectEmployeeWorkloadHandler;
private $projectEmployeeRoleHandler;
private $projectWeeklyWorkloadHandler;
private $projectHandler;

private $employeeId;
private $projectEmployeeRoles;
private $projectInfo;   # Row data
private $availability;  # Availability row
private $holidayLoad;   # Holiday (miscellanoues) row
private $finishedLoad;  # Finished load row

private $earliestDate;  # Earliest start date in all projects
private $latestDate;    # Earliest end date in all projects

private $startDate;     # Start date based on page input, store earliestDate if applicable
private $endDate;       # Start date based on page input, store latestDate if applicable

private $errors;

private $workloadWeekStartAndEndDate;

public function init() {
    $this->weekHandler = new WeekHandler($this->mysqli);
    $this->employeeHandler = new EmployeeHandler($this->mysqli);
    $this->ballparkDetailsHandler = new BallparkDetailsHandler($this->mysqli);
    $this->projectDetailsHandler = new projectDetailsHandler($this->mysqli);
    $this->projectEmployeeRoleHandler = new ProjectEmployeeRoleHandler($this->mysqli);
    $this->projectWeeklyWorkloadHandler = new ProjectWeeklyWorkloadHandler($this->mysqli);
    $this->employeeHolidayHandler = new EmployeeHoliday($this->mysqli);
    $this->projectHandler = new ProjectHandler($this->mysqli);

public function setEmployeeId($employeeId) {
    $this->employeeId = $employeeId;

public function getErrors() {
    return $this->errors;

private function setError($message) {
    $this->errors[] = $message; 

public function getProjectManager() {
    return $this->projectManager;

public function getEmployeeIdByEmployeeName($employeeName) {
    return $this->employeeHandler->getEmployeeIdByEmployeeName($employeeName);

public function processInput() {
    if(isset($_POST["refresh"]) || 
            (isset($_POST["startdate"]) && isset($_POST["enddate"])) ||
            (isset($_GET["startdate"]) && isset($_GET["enddate"]))) {
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::PROJECT_ACTIVE;
    $employeeId = $this->employeeId;

    $projectEmployeeRoles = $this->projectEmployeeRoleHandler->
        getProjectEmployeeRolesByEmployeeIdAndProjectStatusId($employeeId, $projectStatusIds);

    $this->projectEmployeeRoles = $projectEmployeeRoles;        

    # If  active project present
    if($this->projectInfo) {

private function validateDateInput() {      
    if((isset($_GET["startdate"]) && isset($_GET["enddate"]))) {
        $startDate = $_GET["startdate"];
        $endDate = $_GET["enddate"];    
    else {
        $startDate = $_POST["startdate"];
        $endDate = $_POST["enddate"];

    if(strlen($startDate) < 1 && strlen($endDate) < 1 ) {
        $startDate = date('Y/m/d');
        $endDate = date('Y/m/d');
    if(strlen($startDate) < 1 && !(strlen($endDate) < 1)) {
        $startDate = $endDate;
    else if (strlen($startDate < 1)) {
        $startDate = date('Y/m/d');

    $startDateS = strtotime($startDate);
    $endDateS = strtotime($endDate);
    $dateDiff = $endDateS - $startDateS;
    $fullDays = floor($dateDiff/(60*60*24));

    if($startDateS > $endDateS) {
        $this->setError("Start date must be earlier than end date");
    else if ($fullDays > 365) {
        $this->setError("Total days for comparison must not exceed one year.");

    $this->startDate = $startDate;
    $this->endDate = $endDate;

private function processProjectEmployeeRoles() {
    $projectEmployeeRoles = $this->projectEmployeeRoles;
    $projectInfo = array();

    if(!$projectEmployeeRoles) {
        $projectDetails["startdate"] = date('Y-m-d');
        $projectDetails["enddate"] = date('Y-m-d');
        $projectDetails["projectid"] = null;
        $projectDetails["name"] = null;
        $projectDetails["status"] = null;
        $projectInfo[] = $projectDetails;
        $this->projectInfo = $projectInfo;

    foreach($projectEmployeeRoles as $projectEmployeeRole) {
        $projectStatusId = $projectEmployeeRole->getProjectStatusId();
        $projectId = $projectEmployeeRole->getProjectId();
        $projectEmployeeRoleId = $projectEmployeeRole->getProjectEmployeeRoleId();
        $projectDetails = array();

        $projectDetails["employeeroleid"] = $projectEmployeeRoleId;
        $projectDetails["role"] = $projectEmployeeRole->getRoleName();

        # Get the project manager from database
        $projectManager = $this->projectHandler->getProjectManagerEmployeeByProjectId($projectId);
        $projectDetails["managername"] = $projectManager->getEmployeeName();
        $projectDetails["managerid"] = $projectManager->getEmployeeId();

        if($projectStatusId == ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE) {
            $ballpark = $this->ballparkDetailsHandler->getBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId);               
            //$projectDetails["startdate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsStartDate(); 
            //$projectDetails["enddate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsEndDate();
            $projectDetails["projectid"] = $projectId;
            //$projectDetails["name"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsBookingRef();
            $projectDetails["status"] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE; 
        else if($projectStatusId == ProjectStatusKeys::PROJECT_ACTIVE) {
            $project = $this->projectDetailsHandler->getProjectDetailsByProjectId($projectId);
            $projectDetails["startdate"] = $project->getProjectDetailsStartDate(); 
            $projectDetails["enddate"] = $project->getProjectDetailsEndDate();
            $projectDetails["projectid"] = $projectId;
            $projectDetails["name"] = $project->getProjectDetailsName();
            $projectDetails["status"] = ProjectStatusKeys::PROJECT_ACTIVE;
        $projectInfo[] = $projectDetails;
    $this->projectInfo = $projectInfo;

private function processEarliestDate() {
    $projectInfo = $this->projectInfo;
    $startDate = null;
    foreach($projectInfo as $info) {
        $infoDate = $info["startdate"];
        if(!isset($startDate)) {
            $startDate = $infoDate;
        if(strtotime($startDate) > strtotime($infoDate)) {
            $startDate = $infoDate;
    $this->earliestDate = $startDate;

private function processLatestDate() {
    $projectInfo = $this->projectInfo;
    $endDate = null;
    foreach($projectInfo as $info) {
        $infoDate = $info["enddate"];
        if(!isset($endDate)) {
            $endDate = $infoDate;
        if(strtotime($endDate) < strtotime($infoDate)) {
            $endDate = $infoDate;
    $this->latestDate = $endDate;

private function processWeekNumbers() {
    if(isset($_POST["refresh"]) || isset($_POST["ajax"]) || isset($_POST["hasrefresh"]) ||
        (isset($_GET["startdate"]) && isset($_GET["enddate"]) && !$this->errors)) {
        $delimiter = "/";   # Input date format is yyyy/mm/dd
        $startDate = $this->startDate;
        $endDate = $this->endDate;
    else {
        $delimiter = "-";   # SQL date format is yyyy-mm-dd
        $startDate = $this->earliestDate;
        $endDate = $this->latestDate;
        # If earliest and latest end date exceeds one year, force a shorter span
        if($this->isGreaterThanAYear($startDate, $endDate)) {
            $endDate = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($startDate ." + 11 months"));

        # Store information
        $this->startDate = $startDate;
        $this->endDate = $endDate;

    $projectWorkloadWeekNumbers = 
        WeekNumberUtility::computeAndStoreWeekNumbers($startDate, $endDate, $delimiter);

    $workloadWeekStartAndEndDate = array();
    foreach($projectWorkloadWeekNumbers as $weekNumbers) {
        $weekYearArray = explode("-", $weekNumbers);
        $weekNumber = $weekYearArray[0];

        $year = $weekYearArray[1];
        $startDate = WeekNumberUtility::convertWeekNumberToMonday($weekNumber, $year, 'Y/m/d');
        $endDate = WeekNumberUtility::getFridayFromMondayDate($startDate, 'Y/m/d');             

        $startAndEndDate["weeknumber"] = $weekNumber;
        $startAndEndDate["year"] = $year;
        $startAndEndDate["startdate"] = $startDate;
        $startAndEndDate["enddate"] = $endDate;
        $workloadWeekStartAndEndDate[] = $startAndEndDate;

    # Store Workload week numbers and dates
    $this->workloadWeekStartAndEndDate = $workloadWeekStartAndEndDate;          

 * Gets the week start and end date, which is generated at method generateData()
 * @return <b>mixed[]</b> - Array where: <br/>
 *      - array[]["weeknumber"] <br/>         
 *      - array[]["year"] <br/>
 *      - array[]["startdate"] <br/>
 *      - array[]["enddate"] <br/>
public function getWorkloadWeekStartAndEndDate() {
    return $this->workloadWeekStartAndEndDate;

 * Processes the data for individual project workloads 
private function processProjectEmployeeWorkload() {
    $weekStartAndEnd = $this->workloadWeekStartAndEndDate;
    $projectInfo = $this->projectInfo;

    $maxProjects = count($projectInfo);     
    for($i = 0; $i < $maxProjects; $i++) {
        $workload = array();
        $isProject = array();
        $projectEmployeeRoleId = $projectInfo[$i]["employeeroleid"];

        $projectWeeklyWorkloads = $this->projectWeeklyWorkloadHandler->
        # Loop for each week in the total duration of the timeline 
        foreach($weekStartAndEnd as $weekDates) {
             * @todo Currently loops through the entire project_weekly_workload to compare.
             * Very unoptimized.
            $load = 0;
            $isProj = false;
            foreach($projectWeeklyWorkloads as $projectWeeklyWorkload) {
                if($projectWeeklyWorkload->getWeekNumber() == $weekDates["weeknumber"]
                        && $projectWeeklyWorkload->getWeekYear() == $weekDates["year"]) {
                    $load += $projectWeeklyWorkload->getProjectWeeklyWorkloadLoad();
                    $isProj = true;
            $isProject[] = $isProj;
            $workload[] = $load;
        # Appends "Workload" array to project
        $projectInfo[$i]["isproject"] = $isProject;
        $projectInfo[$i]["workload"] = $workload;
    $this->projectInfo = $projectInfo;
    foreach($projectInfo as $x) {
        echo "<hr>";
        echo $x["name"] . "-";
        echo $x["role"] . "-";
        echo $x["projectid"] . "-";
        echo count($x["workload"]) . "-";

private function processFinishedWorkload () {
    $finishedLoad = array();
    $projectWeeklyWorkloadHandler = $this->projectWeeklyWorkloadHandler;
    $employeeId = $this->employeeId;
    $weekStartAndEnd = $this->workloadWeekStartAndEndDate;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_APPROVED;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_COMPLETED;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_EXPIRED;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_CANCELLED;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::PROJECT_CANCELLED;
    $projectStatusIds[] = ProjectStatusKeys::PROJECT_COMPLETED;

    $startWeekNumber =  $weekStartAndEnd[0]["weeknumber"];
    $startYear = $weekStartAndEnd[0]["year"];
    $max = count($weekStartAndEnd);
    $endWeekNumber = $weekStartAndEnd[$max-1]["weeknumber"];
    $endYear = $weekStartAndEnd[$max-1]["year"];

    $weeklyWorkloads = $projectWeeklyWorkloadHandler->
            $employeeId, $startWeekNumber, $startYear, $endWeekNumber, $endYear, $projectStatusIds);

     * Currently unoptimized, but meh
    foreach($weekStartAndEnd as $weekDate) {
        $origWeekNum = $weekDate["weeknumber"];
        $origWeekYear = $weekDate["year"];
        $totalLoad = 0;
        if($weeklyWorkloads) {
            foreach($weeklyWorkloads as $workload) {
                $weekYear = $workload->getWeekYear();
                $weekNumber = $workload->getWeekNumber();
                $load = $workload->getProjectWeeklyWorkloadLoad();
                if($origWeekNum == $weekNumber && $origWeekYear == $weekYear) {
                    $totalLoad += $load;
        $totalLoad = round($totalLoad, 2);
        $finishedLoad[] = $totalLoad;
    $this->finishedLoad = $finishedLoad;

private function processAvailability() {
    $availability = array();
    $projectInfo = $this->projectInfo;
    $finishedLoad = $this->finishedLoad;
    $holidayLoad = $this->holidayLoad;

    $maxRow = count($projectInfo);
    $maxColumn = count($projectInfo[0]["workload"]);

    for($i = 0; $i < $maxColumn; $i++) {
        $load = 5;
        for($j = 0; $j < $maxRow; $j++) {
            $load -= $projectInfo[$j]["workload"][$i];
        $load -= $finishedLoad[$i];
        $load -= $holidayLoad[$i];
        $availability[] = round($load,2);
    $this->availability = $availability;        

private function processHolidayLoad() {
    $holidayLoad = array();
    $weekStartAndEnd = $this->workloadWeekStartAndEndDate;
    $employeeId = $this->employeeId;
    foreach($weekStartAndEnd as $weekDates) {
        $load = 0;
        $isProj = false;
        $startDate = WeekNumberUtility::convertWeekNumberToMonday(
            $weekDates["weeknumber"], $weekDates["year"], 'Y/m/d');
        $endDate = WeekNumberUtility::getFridayFromMondayDate($startDate, 'Y/m/d');
        $load += $this->employeeHolidayHandler->getHolidayLoad($employeeId, $startDate, $endDate);
        $holidayLoad[] = $load;

    $this->holidayLoad = $holidayLoad;

private function isGreaterThanAYear($startDate, $endDate) {
    $startDateS = strtotime($startDate);
    $endDateS = strtotime($endDate);
    $dateDiff = $endDateS - $startDateS;
    $fullDays = floor($dateDiff/(60*60*24));

    if(fullDays > 365)
        return true;
    return false;

public function getProjectInfo() {
    return $this->projectInfo;

public function getEarliestDate() {
    return $this->earliestDate;

public function getLatestDate() {
    return $this->latestDate;

public function getStartDate(){
    return $this->startDate;

public function getEndDate() {
    return $this->endDate;

public function getAvailability() {
    return $this->availability;

public function getFinishedLoad() {
    return $this->finishedLoad;
public function getHolidayLoad() {
    return $this->holidayLoad;

public function getEmployee() {
    $employeeId = $this->employeeId;
    return $this->employeeHandler->getEmployeeByEmployeeId($employeeId);

Check this class: BallparkDetailsHandler. One option is that the mysqli is not connected correctly (a guess). Show this function: getBallparkDetailsByProjectId

This one:


class BallparkDetailsHandler extends Handler implements HandlerInterface {

public function init(){}

 * Gets booking_ref, bank_ref, region_name, status_name, description, notes, dates 
 * @param unknown_type $projectId
public function getBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query = 
            "SELECT ballpark_details.ballpark_details_booking_ref, 
            FROM `ballpark_details` 
            INNER JOIN `project` 
                ON project.project_id = ballpark_details.project_id
            INNER JOIN `bank` 
                ON project.bank_id = bank.bank_id
            INNER JOIN `region` 
                ON project.region_id = region.region_id
            INNER JOIN `project_status` 
                ON project_status.project_status_id = project.project_status_id
            WHERE ballpark_details.project_id = ?
            ORDER BY ballpark_details.ballpark_details_booking_ref";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)){
        $stmt->bind_param("i", $projectId);
        $stmt->bind_result($ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $bankRef, $regionName, $projectStatusId, 
            $projectStatusName, $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes, 
            $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate);

        if(!$stmt->num_rows) {
            return null;
        $bank = new Bank("", "", $bankRef, "");
        $region = new Region("", $regionName, "");
        $projectStatus = new ProjectStatus($projectStatusId, $projectStatusName);
        $project = new Project($projectId, $bank, $region, $projectStatus);
        return new BallparkDetails("", $project, 
            $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $ballparkDetailsStartDate, 
            $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, 
            $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes);            
    return null;

public function addBallparkDetails($projectId, $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, 
        $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate, 
        $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, $ballparkDetailsDescription, 
        $ballparkDetailsNotes) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query = 
        "INSERT INTO `ballpark_details` 
        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        $stmt->bind_param("issssss", $projectId, $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, 
            $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate,
            $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, $ballparkDetailsDescription,
        return Status::INSERT_SUCCESS;
    return Status::INSERT_FAIL;

public function updateBallparkDetails($ballparkDetailsId, $projectId, 
        $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $ballparkDetailsStartDate, 
        $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate,
        $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query =
        "UPDATE `ballpark_details` 
        SET `project_id` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_booking_ref` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_start_date` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_end_date` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_expiry_date` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_description` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_notes` = ? 
        WHERE `ballpark_details_id` = ?;";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        $stmt->bind_param("issssssi", $projectId, $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, 
            $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate,
            $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, $ballparkDetailsDescription,
            $ballparkDetailsNotes, $ballparkDetailsId);
        return $ballparkDetailsId;
    return null;

public function updateBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId, 
        $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $ballparkDetailsStartDate, 
        $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate,
        $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query =
        "UPDATE `ballpark_details` 
        SET `ballpark_details_booking_ref` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_start_date` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_end_date` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_expiry_date` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_description` = ?,
            `ballpark_details_notes` = ? 
        WHERE `project_id` = ?;";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        $stmt->bind_param("ssssssi", $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, 
            $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate,
            $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, $ballparkDetailsDescription,
            $ballparkDetailsNotes, $projectId);
        return $projectId;
    return null;

 * Gets the ballpark_details primary key using the unique Booking reference supplied
 * @param String $ballparkDetailsBookingRef - The unique booking ref
 * @return <b>int</b> - ballpark_details_id
public function getBallParkDetailsIdByBallparkDetailsBookingRef($ballparkDetailsBookingRef) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query = 
        "SELECT `ballpark_details_id` 
        FROM `ballpark_details` 
        WHERE `ballpark_details_booking_ref` = ?";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        $stmt->bind_param("s", $ballparkDetailsBookingRef);
            return null;
        return $ballparkDetailsId;
    return null;

 * Gets the Project ID and Ballpark Details' Booking Ref using Project Status ID, between two dates
 * @param date $startDate
 * @param date $endDate
 * @param int $projectStatusId project.project_status_id 
public function getProjectIdAndBallparkDetailsBookingRefByProjectStatusIdAndBetweenDates(
        $projectStatusId, $startDate, $endDate) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query = 
        "SELECT project.project_id,
        FROM `ballpark_details`
        INNER JOIN `project`
            ON project.project_id = ballpark_details.project_id
        WHERE project.project_status_id = ?
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_start_date <= ? 
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_end_date >= ?";

    #echo "=========================<br/>";
    #echo $startDate .'<br/>';
    #echo $endDate. '<br/>';
    #echo "=========================<br/>";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        # Start1 <= End2 AND Start2 <= End1
        $stmt->bind_param("iss", $projectStatusId, $endDate, $startDate);
        $stmt->bind_result($projectId, $ballparkDetailsBookingRef);
        $ballparkDetails = array();
        while($stmt->fetch()) {
        #   echo 'projectid-'.$projectId.'<br/>';
            #echo $ballparkDetailsBookingRef . '<br/>';
            $projectStatus = new ProjectStatus($projectStatusId, null);
            $project = new Project($projectId, null, null, $projectStatus);
            $ballparkDetails[] = new BallparkDetails(
                null, $project, $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, 
                null, null, null, null, null);
        return $ballparkDetails;
    #echo $query;
    return null;    

public function searchBallparkDetailsByEmployeeIdAndBookingRefAndProjectStatusIdAndBetweenDates(
        $employeeId, $bookingRef, $projectStatusId, $startDate, $endDate) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query = 
        FROM `ballpark_details` 
        INNER JOIN `project` 
            ON project.project_id = ballpark_details.project_id
        INNER JOIN `bank` 
            ON project.bank_id = bank.bank_id
        INNER JOIN `region` 
            ON project.region_id = region.region_id
        INNER JOIN `project_status` 
            ON project_status.project_status_id = project.project_status_id
        INNER JOIN `project_employee_role`
            ON project_employee_role.project_id = project.project_id 
        WHERE project.project_status_id = ?
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_start_date <= ? 
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_end_date >= ? 
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_booking_ref LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')
            AND project_employee_role.employee_id = ?";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        # Start1 <= End2 AND Start2 <= End1
        $stmt->bind_param("isssi", $projectStatusId, $endDate, $startDate, $bookingRef, $employeeId);
        $stmt->bind_result($projectId, $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $bankRef, $regionName, $projectStatusId,
            $projectStatusName, $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes, 
            $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate);
        $ballparkDetails = array();
        while($stmt->fetch()) {
            $bank = new Bank("", "", $bankRef, "");
            $region = new Region("", $regionName, "");
            $projectStatus = new ProjectStatus($projectStatusId, $projectStatusName);
            $project = new Project($projectId, $bank, $region, $projectStatus);
            $ballparkDetails[] =  new BallparkDetails("", $project, 
                $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $ballparkDetailsStartDate, 
                $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, 
                $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes);    
        return $ballparkDetails;
    #echo $query;
    return null;    

public function searchBallparkDetailsByBookingRefAndProjectStatusIdAndBetweenDates(
        $bookingRef, $projectStatusId, $startDate, $endDate) {
    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $query = 
        "SELECT ballpark_details.ballpark_details_booking_ref, 
        FROM `ballpark_details` 
        INNER JOIN `project` 
            ON project.project_id = ballpark_details.project_id
        INNER JOIN `bank` 
            ON project.bank_id = bank.bank_id
        INNER JOIN `region` 
            ON project.region_id = region.region_id
        INNER JOIN `project_status` 
            ON project_status.project_status_id = project.project_status_id
        WHERE project.project_status_id = ?
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_start_date <= ? 
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_end_date >= ? 
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_booking_ref LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
    if($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($query)) {
        # Start1 <= End2 AND Start2 <= End1
        $stmt->bind_param("isss", $projectStatusId, $endDate, $startDate, $bookingRef);
        $stmt->bind_result($ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $bankRef, $regionName, $projectStatusId,
            $projectStatusName, $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes, 
            $ballparkDetailsStartDate, $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate);
        $ballparkDetails = array();
        while($stmt->fetch()) {
            $bank = new Bank("", "", $bankRef, "");
            $region = new Region("", $regionName, "");
            $projectStatus = new ProjectStatus($projectStatusId, $projectStatusName);
            $project = new Project($projectId, $bank, $region, $projectStatus);
            $ballparkDetails[] =  new BallparkDetails("", $project, 
                $ballparkDetailsBookingRef, $ballparkDetailsStartDate, 
                $ballparkDetailsEndDate, $ballparkDetailsExpiryDate, 
                $ballparkDetailsDescription, $ballparkDetailsNotes);    
        return $ballparkDetails;
    #echo $query;
    return null;    

 * A general ballpark search method which dynamically generates query based on parameters.
 * Start date and end date are required parameters.
 * @param String $startDate - Required
 * @param String $endDate - Required
 * @param int $employeeId
 * @param String $bookingRef
 * @param int[] $regionIds
 * @param String $bankRef
 * @param int[] $projectStatusIds
 * @param boolean $hasUnassigned - Has a null employee
public function generalBallparkDetailsSearch($startDate, $endDate, $employeeId, 
        $bookingRef, $regionIds, $bankRef,
        $projectStatusIds, $hasUnassigned = false) {
    # Number of conditions based on parameter; Meh parameter
    $numConditions = 0;

    $params = array(null);
    $bind_param = '';

    $stmt = $this->stmt;
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT 
            FROM `ballpark_details` 
                INNER JOIN `project` 
                    ON project.project_id = ballpark_details.project_id
                INNER JOIN `bank` 
                    ON project.bank_id = bank.bank_id
                INNER JOIN `region` 
                    ON project.region_id = region.region_id
                INNER JOIN `project_status` 
                    ON project_status.project_status_id = project.project_status_id
                INNER JOIN `project_employee_role`
                    ON project_employee_role.project_id = project.project_id ";

    $sql .= "WHERE ";

    if(!is_null($employeeId)) {
        $sql .= 'project_employee_role.employee_id   = ? AND ';
        $bind_param .= 'i';
        $params[] = $employeeId;

    if(!is_null($bookingRef)) {
        $sql .= "ballpark_details.ballpark_details_booking_ref LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') AND ";
        $bind_param .= 's';
        $params[] = $bookingRef;

    if(!is_null($regionIds)) {
        $maxRegionIds = count($regionIds);
        $sql .= "(";    
        #If RegionIds is a single key
        if(is_numeric($regionIds)) {
            $sql .= "region.region_id = ?) AND ";
            $params[] = $regionIds;
            $bind_param .= "i"; 
        #If RegionIds is an array of keys
        else {          
            for($i = 0; $i < $maxRegionIds; $i++) {
                $bind_param .= "i";                     # Add integer to bind_param
                $params[] = $regionIds[$i];     # Add parameter for execution
                $sql .= " region.region_id = ? ";
                if($i != $maxRegionIds-1)
                    $sql .= " OR ";
            $sql .= ") AND ";

    if(!is_null($bankRef)) {
        $sql .= "bank.bank_ref LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') AND ";
        $bind_param .= 's';
        $params[] = $bankRef;

    if(!is_null($projectStatusIds)) {
        $maxProjectStatus = count($projectStatusIds);
        $sql .= "(";        
        #If ProjectStatusIds is a single key
        if(is_numeric($projectStatusIds)) {
            $sql .= "project.project_status_id = ?) AND ";
            $params[] = $projectStatusIds;
            $bind_param .= "i"; 
        #If ProjectStatusIds is an array of keys
        else {          
            for($i = 0; $i < $maxProjectStatus; $i++) {
                $bind_param .= "i";                     # Add integer to bind_param
                $params[] = $projectStatusIds[$i];      # Add parameter for execution
                $sql .= " project.project_status_id = ? ";
                if($i != $maxProjectStatus-1)
                    $sql .= " OR ";
            $sql .= ") AND ";

    # Start date and end date
    $sql .= "ballpark_details.ballpark_details_start_date <= ? 
            AND ballpark_details.ballpark_details_end_date >= ? ";
    $bind_param .= "ss";
    $params[] = $endDate;
    $params[] = $startDate;

    if($hasUnassigned) {
        $sql .= ' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM project_employee_role 
                    WHERE project_employee_role.project_id = project.project_id AND
                    project_employee_role.employee_id = ?) > 0';
        $bind_param .= 'i';
        $params[] = EmployeeKeys::NULL_EMPLOYEE;

    #echo "<hr>".$sql;
    #echo "<br/><br/>Parameters:";
    #foreach($params as $param) {
    #   echo "<br/>" . $param;
    #echo "<br/>Bind_Param: ".$bind_param;
    #echo "<hr>";

    $params[0] = $bind_param;       
    $results = $this->execSQL($sql, $params, false);    

    if($results) {
        $ballparkDetails = array();
        foreach($results as $result) {
            $bank = new Bank("", "", $result["bank_ref"], "");
            $region = new Region("", $result["region_name"], "");
            $projectStatus = new ProjectStatus(null, $result["project_status_name"]);
            $project = new Project($result["project_id"], $bank, $region, $projectStatus);
            $ballparkDetails[] =  new BallparkDetails("", $project, 
                $result["ballpark_details_booking_ref"], $result["ballpark_details_start_date"], 
                $result["ballpark_details_end_date"], $result["ballpark_details_expiry_date"], 
                $result["ballpark_details_description"], $result["ballpark_details_notes"]);    
        return $ballparkDetails;
    return null;


I think it's not that there's an error in the connection. I don't know what happened. Last week it was working fine but now when I checked it it's giving me this error.

Line 44-46:

if (!$stmt->num_rows) {
    return null;

If the project id you're trying to retrieve does not exist in the database, null is returned. So your code needs to do a null check on the retrieved $ballpark, before using it's functions. It may not exist.

How do I check null on the retrieved $ballpark? Sorry I know nothing about PHP. Please help me solve this problem. thanks

Know nothing about PHP, and then changing such code... pretty strange.


 if ($projectStatusId == ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE) {
    $ballpark = $this->ballparkDetailsHandler->getBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId);
    if ($ballpark == null) {
        // here should be error handling to indicate that the project was not found
    else {
        $projectDetails["startdate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsStartDate();
        $projectDetails["enddate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsEndDate();
        $projectDetails["projectid"] = $projectId;
        $projectDetails["name"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsBookingRef();
        $projectDetails["status"] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE;          

It gives me this error message: Fatal error: Error: bad project ID: '17'. What is the meaning of this?

Like I said before, id 17 is not in the database, or there is something wrong with the query (which I doubt).

Thanks priteas! My problem is solved by your help in giving me tips on how to handle errors.! this is solved. What I did is delete the projectIds that don't belong to ballparks. Thank you!

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