HI friends...

i m making website which has menu bar and several pages...
i want to fix menu bar on all pages because menu bar is same for all the pages..
how to do it any suggetion?


Member Avatar for diafol

Use an include file if using php.
Place just the menu into a menu.php file and then in your maqin pages, include it where appropriate, e.g.

<div id="banner">
    <img src="..." ... />
<div id = "nav">
    <?php include 'includes/menu.php';?>

diafol if i m using ajax as well so what should i do?

Member Avatar for diafol

In what sense? Do your ajax scripts affect the nav? You need to provide more info if you need an answer to that question, for example, include your nav code and any js scripts that make calls / change it.

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