I am trying to update my WAMP install to the latest versions of PHP and Apache.

The links on the WAMP homepage are not up date php or apache wise so I am downloading and installing manually.

I have successfully downloaded and installed the latest version of php (5.3.17)

I have also downloaded the latest version of Apache (2.2.23) but don't know how to integrate it with WAMP.

I'm assuming it is a similar process to installing php and involves changing some paths within config files/php.ini etc but don't know what the files are, where they are and what I should be changing them to.

I can't seem to find any help online, could be to do with my Googling skills! I also can't seem to find any existing posts on Daniweb relating to this.

Can anyone shed some light for me please. Be it links to how to's or some straight up advice.

Thanks in advance.

I can't seem to find any help online

Have you tried the forum at the wamp website?

I don't know what OS you're on, but the downloads at the site are newer (Apache 2.4.2 – Mysql 5.5.24 – PHP 5.4.3).

Hi yes, I am on there as well. There are different updates available for php 5.3.xxx and 5.4.xxx

We're running php 5.3 on windows based machines. Had a recent pentest after site was finished and have to address old versions of Apache and PHP. The versions I am updating to are at the clients request -Apache 2.2.23

OK i have got Apache in WAMP now and am able to selcet version in the tray icon manager.
When i select the latest version I am now getting this error message -

Could not execute menu item (internal error) [Exception] Could not execute run action:The system cannot find the file specified

Problem solved, how do I mark this post as solved?

Hi i got the same problem again, I recall that you sent me a tutorial last time. is there any chance you could resend pls?

Many Thanks,

No problem I have sorted it, thanks for the reply anyway :)

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