Everyone has been helpful during this learning process, Thanks!
I am not even sure this is doable or even how to start the code! Can anyone please point me in the right direction. I have searched everything I can on this but nothing seems to fit what I want to do.
I have 4 textboxes as listed below. This is in VB.Net behind a Webpage
Textbox1 = PalletID (max count for PalletID # = 90)
Textbox 2 = CartonID (max count for CartonID # = 5)
Textbox 3 = PartID Textbox 4 = PartSN
On enter - Textbox1, Textbox2, Textbox3, Textbox4, sends Textbox data to SQL database and then Textbox3.focus
Textbox1 & Textbox2 retains current data.
The code I have for the above is working!
I want to add these operations to the code
(how I want it to happen)
From the SQL Database
When Textbox2 current value count = 5 Then Textbox2 Clears and Textbox2.Focus
When Textbox1 current value count = 90 Then Textbox1 & Textbox2 Clears and Textbox1.focus
Then repeats for another pallet.