I am trying CIUnit - PHP unit integration to codeigniter. But I am stuck - getting error that file is denied:
E:\projektai\php projektai\htdocs\ci_unit\tests>phpunit
PHPUnit 3.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann.
....[CIUnit] PHP Error: Warning - include(E:\projektai\php projektai\htdocs\ci_u
nit\application\config\testing\database.php): failed to open stream: Permission
denied File Path: database/DB.php (line: 41)
[CIUnit] PHP Error: Warning - include(): Failed opening 'E:\projektai\php projek
tai\htdocs\ci_unit\application/config/testing/database.php' for inclusion (inclu
\other\xampp\php\PEAR') File Path: database/DB.php (line: 41)
[CIUnit] Error: 500 Message: No database connection settings were found in the d
atabase config file.
When I try to open that database.php file to see whats on this line 41, I see empty file, but its size is 4 KB. So I try also to open it with notepad and I get message 'access denied'. WHat is wrong there - why it is denied and what to do? How to get the acces?