So I have been wrestling quite some time with this and starting to stare myself blind here.

Maybe this is trivial and I bet I am missing something basic so here goes.

I have a simple html document with two paragraphs, both are class=show with the id's: id=show1 & id:show2, in the .css file I have .show { display:none; }.

So on to my problem, When I expand the text I want my link to switch text to 'Hide information' (Dölj information to be exact) and when I collapse it, then it should revert back to 'Show more information' (Visa mera information to be exact)

When I had the links inside the html document this was ok but when I moved both links inside the Javascript file and created them dynamicly it did not work anymore and I get a error with null statement.

Here is my Javascript:

function newLink() {
    //Create the link
    newLink = document.createElement('a');
    //Give the link a Id = 'show1_link';
    //Set the href
    newLink.href = 'javascript:showHide(,elemId)';
    //Create a variable for the link text
    var linkText = document.createTextNode('Visa mera information');
    //Append the text to the link
    //Create a variable for the paragraph
    var elem = document.getElementById('show1')
    //Insert the text before the paragraph with the Id show2

function showHide(link_id,elemId) {
    var link = document.getElementById(link_id);
    var text = document.getElementById(elemId);
    //Make the switch from none -> block & back = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';
    //Check the status of the text
    var status = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'; = status;
    //Change the text accordingly
    link.innerHTML = (status == 'block') ? 'Dölj information' : 'Visa mera infomration';

The link and function works if I remove the variables and display status but then it does not change the link text. The returns null, what I don't get is that this script worked with the links hard coded into the html document.

Any help appreciated.

First problem, your function name and variable are same, more specifically, newLink is declared as a function then inside, you have newLink as variable. Change the variable name to something else like newLinkElement.

Ok So I updated the variable to newLinkElement but it throws me the error "elemId is not defined".

function newLink() {
    //Make a few safety check to see if the browser can handle the elements
    if (!document.getElementById) {
        if (!document.createElememt) {
            if (!document.createTextNode) {
            return false;
    //Create the link
    newLinkElement = document.createElement('a');
    //Give the link a Id = "show1_link";
    //Set the href
    newLinkElement.href = 'javascript:showHide(,elemId)';
    //Create a variable for the link text
    var linkText = document.createTextNode('Visa mera information');
    //Append the text to the link
    //Create a variable for the paragraph
    var elem = document.getElementById('show1')
    //Insert the text before the paragraph with the Id show1

function showHide(link_id,elemId) {
    var link = document.getElementById(link_id);
    var text = document.getElementById(elemId); = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';
    var status = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'; = status;
    link.innerHTML = (status == 'block') ? 'Dölj information' : 'Visa mera infomration';

I found the elemId definition under the links href it should read (,'show1'); where show1 is the paragraphs id.

The function works but throws me an error in the function showHide at var status and innerHTML, say "link is null". If I comment out those two the showHide function does what it is supposed to but does not change my link text.

So updated code:

function newLink() {
    //Make a few safety check to see if the browser can handle the elements
    if (!document.getElementById) {
        if (!document.createElememt) {
            if (!document.createTextNode) {
            return false;
    //Create the link
    newLinkElement = document.createElement('a');
    //Give the link a Id = 'show1_link';
    //Set the href
    newLinkElement.href = "javascript:showHide(,'show1')";
    //Create a variable for the link text
    var linkText = document.createTextNode('Visa mera information');
    //Append the text to the link
    //Create a variable for the paragraph
    var elem = document.getElementById('show1')
    //Insert the text before the paragraph with the Id show1

function showHide(link_id,elemId) {
//function showHide(link_id,elemId) {
    var link = document.getElementById(link_id);
    var text = document.getElementById(elemId); = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';
    var status = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';
    // = status;
    //link.innerHTML = (status == 'block') ? 'Dölj information' : 'Visa mera infomration';

I wish there was a edit button :-)

Solved my problem but it feels like it's not that great, I would like a single link function instead of making two almost identical ones. Reason I made two is because of the paragraph id as they are different for the sole reason that I should be able to position the second link above the second paragraph.

I had to specificly type out the id on the links .href and I don't like that, tbh I would like to be able to use

a.href = "javascript:showHide(,'show1')";

or better yet

a.href = 'javascript:showHide(this_id,elemId)';

The problem would be assigning a different id to each link but is solved using an array if i'm not mistaken. So if anyone has a more simple solution to this I would love to learn about it.

But for futher reference I will just put up the code I managed to get working, not optimal imo because of two link functions

/* Function created by "Simon Willson" to be able to 
    call several functions with a single event */

//Create the function
function addLoadEvent(func) {
    //Create a variable for window.onload event
    var oldonload = window.onload;
    //If window.onload is NOT a function, then assign 'func' to window.onload
    if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
        window.onload = func;
    //If window.onload already is a function then make a new function
    } else {
        window.onload = function() {
        //To do what the old onload function did
        if (oldonload) {
        //then do whatever the new function does 
//Add as many functions you like with addLoadEvent(functionName);

//Create the show/hide function
function showHide(link_id,elemId) {
    //Make a variable for the link (link_id) and for the paragraph (elemId)
    var link = document.getElementById(link_id);
    var text = document.getElementById(elemId);
    //If the content is hidden set the link text to 'Visa mera infomration'
    if ( == 'block') {
    link.innerHTML = 'Visa mera information'; = 'none';
    //if content is visible change the link text to 'Dölj information'
    } else {
    link.innerHTML = 'Dölj information'; = 'block';

//Create two links, link1 & link2 and position them before each relevant paragraph element
function newLink() {
    //Make a few safety check to see if the browser can handle the elements
    if (!document.getElementById) {
        if (!document.createElememt) {
            if (!document.createTextNode) {
            return false;
    //Create the link
    a = document.createElement('a');
    //Give the link a Id = 'show1_link';
    //Set the href
    a.href = "javascript:showHide('show1_link','show1')";
    //Create a variable for the link text
    var linkText = document.createTextNode('Visa mera information');
    //Append the text to the link
    //Create a variable for the paragraph
    var elem = document.getElementById('show1')
    //Insert the text before the paragraph with the Id show1

function newLink2() {
    //Create the link
    a = document.createElement('a');
    //Give the link a Id = 'show2_link';
    //Set the href
    a.href = "javascript:showHide('show2_link','show2')";
    //Create a variable for the link text
    var linkText = document.createTextNode('Visa mera information');
    //Append the text to the link
    //Create a variable for the paragraph
    var elem = document.getElementById('show2')
    //Insert the text before the paragraph with the Id show2

Try this

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>

<a href="#NOD" class="showSections" rel="show">Show information</a>
<div class="catSections" style="display: none;">

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('.showSections').live('click', function() {
                $('.showSections').html('Hide information');
            else if ($(this).attr('rel')=='hide') {
                $('.showSections').html('Show information');

Instead of making two different functions, make the function take an argument and adjust

function createLink(linkId,ElemId){
    //saftey check
    //Create the link
    a = document.createElement('a');
    //Give the link a Id = linkId;
    //Set the href
    a.href = "javascript:showHide(linkId,elemId)";
    //Create a variable for the link text
    var linkText = document.createTextNode('Visa mera information');
    //Append the text to the link
    //Create a variable for the paragraph
    var elem = document.getElementById('show2')
    //Insert the text before the paragraph with the Id show2
function populateLinks(){
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