whenever i execute a mysql php code...it says local host not given access to this database.....
i just ran other programs an hour back and it showed no problem!
now i am not able to connect to tht particular database.

i checked the xammp cntl panel....and resatrted mysql and apache and show pot 80 busy
and 3036 for sql busy..pls help! (i dnt have ne other s/w tht need s 8080 port)

look in the user table within the mysql database ...

is access defined 'user-xxx'@'localhost' or 'user-xxx'@''


"If you specify a host name when trying to connect, but get an error message where the host name is not shown or is an IP address, it means that the MySQL server got an error when trying to resolve the IP address of the client host to a name."

@Smeagel13 its localhost and root...no change!

Have you changed user privileges? If not your username should be 'root' an not'local host'. If you are using 'local host' for whatever reason that maybe you shouldnt have that space i.e. 'localhost' rather than 'local host'.

Local development privileges by default are 'root' as your username and '' as your password.

Let us know if you get any mor einformation to troubleshoot. Perhaps some copy and psting of errors would help further.

@Smeagel13 its localhost and root...no change!

Are you saying you've tried both? Have you checked to make sure the database exists (wasn't deleted accidentally) and also make sure in the connection call the correct database is requested, no spelling mistakes.

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