Hi guys, I've developed a virus scanning program using php. Well, it seems my program worked fine--- it can detected the infected files. The problem is how can I make the program to delete the infected files. It seems when I tried to developed the coding, it didn't work. Below is the code;

$debug = true;
file_scan("http://localhost/", $defs, true);
$extensions = Array();
$extensions[] = 'htm';
$extensions[] = 'html';
$extensions[] = 'txt';
$extensions[] = 'php';
$extensions[] = 'hp4';
$extensions[] = 'hp5';
//$extensions[] = '.pl';


// declare variables
$report = '';

// output html headers

// set counters
$dircount = 0;
$filecount = 0;
$infected = 0;

// load virus defs
if (!check_defs('virus.def'))
	trigger_error("Virus.def vulnerable to overwrite, please change permissions", E_USER_ERROR);
$defs = load_defs('virus.def', $debug);

// scan specified root for specified defs
file_scan($path, $defs, $debug);

// output summary
echo '<h1>Scan Completed</h2>';
echo '<div id=summary>';
echo '<p><strong>Scanned folders:</strong> ' . $dircount . '</p>';
echo '<p><strong>Scanned files:</strong> ' . $filecount . '</p>';
echo '<p class=r><strong>Infected files:</strong> ' . $infected . '</p>';
echo '</div>';

// output full report
echo $report;

function file_scan($folder, $defs, $debug = true) {
	// hunts files/folders recursively for scannable items
	global $dircount, $report;
	if ($debug)
		$report .= '<p class="d">Scanning folder ...</p>';
	if ($d = @dir($folder)) {
		while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
			$isdir = @is_dir($folder.'/'.$entry);
			if (!$isdir and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') {
			} elseif ($isdir  and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') {

function virus_check($file, $defs, $debug = true) {
	global $filecount, $infected, $report, $extensions;

	// find scannable files
	$scannable = 0;
	foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
		if (substr($file,-3)==$ext)
			$scannable = 1;

	// compare against defs
	if ($scannable) {
		// affectable formats
		$data = file($file);
		$data = implode('\r\n', $data);
		$clean = 1;
		foreach ($defs as $virus) {
			if (strpos($data, $virus[1])) {
				// file matches virus defs
				$report .= '<p class="r">Infected: ' . $file . ' (' . $virus[0] . ')</p>';
				$clean = 0;
		if (($debug)&&($clean))
			$report .= '<p class="g">Clean: ' . $file . '</p>';

function load_defs($file, $debug = true) {
	// reads tab-delimited defs file
	$defs = file($file);
	$counter = 0;
	$counttop = sizeof($defs);
	while ($counter < $counttop) {
		$defs[$counter] = explode('	', $defs[$counter]);
	if ($debug)
		echo '<p>Loaded ' . sizeof($defs) . ' malicious codes definitions</p>';
	return $defs;

function check_defs($file) {
	// check for >755 perms on virus defs
	$perms = substr(decoct(fileperms($file)),-2);
	if ($perms > 55)
		return false;
		return true;

function renderhead() {

<title>Virus scan</title>
<style type="text/css">
h1 {
	font-family: arial;

p {
	font-family: arial;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	font-size: 10px;

.g {
	color: #009900;

.r {
	color: #990000;
	font-weight: bold;

.d {
	color: #ccc;

#summary {
	border: #333 solid 1px;
	background: #f0efca;
	padding: 10px;
	margin: 10px;

#summary p {
	font-size: 12px;

<p class="d">&nbsp;</p>

So guys can you helped enhance my coding? I mean the program can delete the infected files. Thanks in advanced.

plz guys can you help me??

Hi, Actually i have a chat system, i want to add your virus scanner when user upload file during chat. can you tell me how i can integrate it. below i send my code in which i want to add virus scan testing

if (empty($current_user->id)) {

$_window_title.=' '.PCPIN_WINDOW_TITLE_SEPARATOR.' '.$l->g('upload_file');

_pcpin_loadClass('message'); $msg=new PCPIN_Message($session);

if (empty($profile_user_id) || $current_user->is_admin!=='y') {

if (!isset($f_target) || !is_scalar($f_target)) {
// Validate uploaded file
if (isset($f_submitted)) {
  $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
} else {

if (!empty($f_data) && is_array($f_data) && isset($f_data['error']) && isset($f_data['tmp_name']) && isset($f_data['size'])) {
$scan=file_scan($file, $defs, $debug = true);
  $upload_status=array('code'=>10, 'message'=>$l->g('error'));
  if ($f_data['error']==UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE || $f_data['error']==UPLOAD_ERR_OK && empty($f_data['size'])) {
    // No file was uploaded or file is empty
    $upload_status=array('code'=>-1, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
  } elseif ($f_data['error']!=UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
    // File upload error
    $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
  } /*elseif ($scan==0){
      //virus scan check.
	  $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
	}*/ else {  

    switch ($f_target) {

      case 'avatar': // New Avatar
        // Check avatars number limit
        _pcpin_loadClass('avatar'); $avatar=new PCPIN_Avatar($session);
        $avatar->_db_getList('COUNT', 'user_id = '.$profile_user_id);
        if ($avatar->_db_list_count>=$session->_conf_all['avatars_max_count']) {
          // Limit reached
          $upload_status=array('code'=>10, 'message'=>str_replace('[NUMBER]', $session->_conf_all['avatars_max_count'], $l->g('avatars_limit_reached')));
        } else {
          // Check image data
          switch (PCPIN_Image::checkImage($img_data,
                                          false)) {

            case  PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_OK: // Image OK
              $upload_status=array('code'=>0, 'message'=>$l->g('avatar_uploaded'));

            case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILE: // File does not exists / not readable
              $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));

            case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_MIME: // MIME not allowed
            case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_NOT_IMAGE: // File is not an image or has incompatible format
              $upload_status=array('code'=>200, 'message'=>$l->g('image_type_not_allowed'));

            case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_WIDTH: // Image width larger than allowed
            case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_HEIGHT: // Image height larger than allowed
              $upload_status=array('code'=>300, 'message'=>str_replace('[WIDTH]', $session->_conf_all['avatar_max_width'], str_replace('[HEIGHT]', $session->_conf_all['avatar_max_height'], $l->g('image_too_large'))));

            case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILESIZE: // Image file size larger than allowed
              $upload_status=array('code'=>400, 'message'=>str_replace('[SIZE]', $session->_conf_all['avatar_max_filesize'], $l->g('file_too_large')));

        if ($upload_status['code']===0) {
          // Image OK
          _pcpin_loadClass('binaryfile'); $binaryfile=new PCPIN_BinaryFile($session);
          if ($binaryfile->newBinaryFile(file_get_contents($f_data['tmp_name']), $img_data['mime'], $width, $height, 'log')) {
            if (!empty($binaryfile->id)) {
              $avatar->addAvatar($binaryfile->id, $profile_user_id);
          $msg->addMessage(1010, 'n', 0, '', $session->_s_room_id, 0, $profile_user_id);

      case 'avatar_gallery_image': // New Avatar for Gallery
        if ($current_user->is_admin!=='y') {
        // Check image data
        switch (PCPIN_Image::checkImage($img_data,
                                        false)) {

          case  PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_OK: // Image OK
            $upload_status=array('code'=>0, 'message'=>$l->g('avatar_uploaded'));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILE: // File does not exists / not readable
            $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_MIME: // MIME not allowed
          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_NOT_IMAGE: // File is not an image or has incompatible format
            $upload_status=array('code'=>200, 'message'=>$l->g('image_type_not_allowed'));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_WIDTH: // Image width larger than allowed
          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_HEIGHT: // Image height larger than allowed
            $upload_status=array('code'=>300, 'message'=>str_replace('[WIDTH]', $session->_conf_all['avatar_max_width'], str_replace('[HEIGHT]', $session->_conf_all['avatar_max_height'], $l->g('image_too_large'))));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILESIZE: // Image file size larger than allowed
            $upload_status=array('code'=>400, 'message'=>str_replace('[SIZE]', $session->_conf_all['avatar_max_filesize'], $l->g('file_too_large')));

        if ($upload_status['code']===0) {
          // Image OK
          _pcpin_loadClass('binaryfile'); $binaryfile=new PCPIN_BinaryFile($session);
          if ($binaryfile->newBinaryFile(file_get_contents($f_data['tmp_name']), $img_data['mime'], $width, $height, '')) {
            if (!empty($binaryfile->id)) {
              _pcpin_loadClass('tmpdata'); $tmpdata=new PCPIN_TmpData($session);
              $tmpdata->_db_deleteRowMultiCond(array('user_id'=>$current_user->id, 'type'=>4));
              $tmpdata->addRecord(4, $current_user->id, $binaryfile_id, $filename);

      case 'language_file': // Language file
        if ($current_user->is_admin!=='y') {
        $l2=new PCPIN_Language($session);
        $import_status=$l2->importLanguage(file_get_contents($f_data['tmp_name']), $language_id);
        if ($import_status==0 && $language_id>0) {
          // Language imported
          $l->_db_getList('name,local_name', 'id = '.$language_id, 1);
          $upload_status=array('code'=>0, 'message'=>str_replace('[NAME]', $l->_db_list[0]['name'].' ('.$l->_db_list[0]['local_name'].')', $l->g('language_import_success')));
        } else {
          // Invalid language file
          switch ($import_status) {

            case 10 :
            default  :
              $upload_status=array('code'=>1000, 'message'=>$l->g('invalid_language_file'));

            case 100 :
              $l->_db_getList('name', 'id = '.$language_id, 1);
              $upload_status=array('code'=>1000, 'message'=>str_replace('[NAME]', $l->_db_list[0]['name'], $l->g('language_already_exists')));


      case 'msg_attachment': // Message attachment
        if (empty($session->_s_room_id)) {
          // User is not in room
          $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
        } elseif (!file_exists($f_data['tmp_name']) || !is_file($f_data['tmp_name']) || !is_readable($f_data['tmp_name'])) {
          // File upload error
          $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
        } elseif (filesize($f_data['tmp_name'])>$session->_conf_all['msg_attachments_maxsize']*1024) {
          // File too large
          $upload_status=array('code'=>400, 'message'=>str_replace('[SIZE]', $session->_conf_all['msg_attachments_maxsize']*1024, $l->g('file_too_large')));
        } else {
          // Check attachments limit
          _pcpin_loadClass('tmpdata'); $tmpdata=new PCPIN_TmpData($session);
          $tmpdata->_db_getList('COUNT', 'type = 3', 'user_id = '.$session->_s_user_id);
          if ($tmpdata->_db_list_count>=$msg_attachments_limit) {
            // Max attachments limit reached
            $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));
          } else {
            $upload_status=array('code'=>0, 'message'=>'OK');
        if ($upload_status['code']===0) {
          // Get MIME type
          $mime_type=$f_data['type']; // TODO: detect real MIME type
          _pcpin_loadClass('binaryfile'); $binaryfile=new PCPIN_BinaryFile($session);
          if ($binaryfile->newBinaryFile(file_get_contents($f_data['tmp_name']), $mime_type, 0, 0, 'room|'.$session->_s_room_id)) {
            if (!empty($binaryfile->id)) {
              _pcpin_loadClass('tmpdata'); $tmpdata=new PCPIN_TmpData($session);
              $tmpdata->addRecord(3, $current_user->id, $binaryfile_id, $filename);

      case 'room_image': // New room image
        // Room image will be saved into tmpdata table
        // Check image data
        switch (PCPIN_Image::checkImage($img_data,
                                        false)) {

          case  PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_OK: // Image OK
            $upload_status=array('code'=>0, 'message'=>'OK');

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILE: // File does not exists / not readable
            $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_MIME: // MIME not allowed
          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_NOT_IMAGE: // File is not an image or has incompatible format
            $upload_status=array('code'=>200, 'message'=>$l->g('image_type_not_allowed'));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_WIDTH: // Image width larger than allowed
          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_HEIGHT: // Image height larger than allowed
            $upload_status=array('code'=>300, 'message'=>str_replace('[WIDTH]', $session->_conf_all['room_img_max_width'], str_replace('[HEIGHT]', $session->_conf_all['room_img_max_height'], $l->g('image_too_large'))));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILESIZE: // Image file size larger than allowed
            $upload_status=array('code'=>400, 'message'=>str_replace('[SIZE]', $session->_conf_all['room_img_max_filesize'], $l->g('file_too_large')));

        if ($upload_status['code']===0) {
          // Image OK
          _pcpin_loadClass('binaryfile'); $binaryfile=new PCPIN_BinaryFile($session);
          if ($binaryfile->newBinaryFile(file_get_contents($f_data['tmp_name']), $img_data['mime'], $width, $height, 'log')) {
            if (!empty($binaryfile->id)) {
              _pcpin_loadClass('tmpdata'); $tmpdata=new PCPIN_TmpData($session);
              $tmpdata->deleteUserRecords($current_user->id, 1);
              $tmpdata->addRecord(1, $current_user->id, $binaryfile_id, $filename);

      case 'smilie_image': // New smilie image
        if ($current_user->is_admin!=='y') {
        // Smilie image will be saved into tmpdata table
        // Check image data
        switch (PCPIN_Image::checkImage($img_data,
                                        false)) {

          case  PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_OK: // Image OK
            $upload_status=array('code'=>0, 'message'=>'OK');

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_FILE: // File does not exists / not readable
            $upload_status=array('code'=>100, 'message'=>$l->g('file_upload_error'));

          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_MIME: // MIME not allowed
          case PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_ERROR_NOT_IMAGE: // File is not an image or has incompatible format
            $upload_status=array('code'=>200, 'message'=>$l->g('image_type_not_allowed'));

        if ($upload_status['code']===0) {
          // Image OK
          _pcpin_loadClass('binaryfile'); $binaryfile=new PCPIN_BinaryFile($session);
          if ($binaryfile->newBinaryFile(file_get_contents($f_data['tmp_name']), $img_data['mime'], $width, $height, '')) {
            if (!empty($binaryfile->id)) {
              _pcpin_loadClass('tmpdata'); $tmpdata=new PCPIN_TmpData($session);
              $tmpdata->_db_deleteRowMultiCond(array('user_id'=>$current_user->id, 'type'=>2));
              $tmpdata->addRecord(2, $current_user->id, $binaryfile_id, $filename);


_pcpin_loadClass('pcpintpl'); $tpl=new PcpinTpl();

// JS files

if (!empty($upload_status)) {
  $message=str_replace('\'', '\\\'', htmlspecialchars($upload_status['message']));
  $message=str_replace("\n", '\\n', str_replace("\r", '\\r', $message));
  $_body_onload[]='parseUploadResponse('.$upload_status['code'].', \''.$message.'\', '.$binaryfile_id.', '.$width.', '.$height.', \''.str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $filename).'\')';
} else {

// Add global vars to template
foreach ($global_tpl_vars as $key=>$val) {
  $tpl->addGlobalVar($key, htmlspecialchars($val));

// Add language expressions to template
foreach ($tpl->tpl_vars_plain as $var) {
  if (0===strpos($var, 'LNG_')) {
    $tpl->addGlobalVar($var, htmlspecialchars($l->g(substr($var, 4))));

$tpl->addVar('main', 'profile_user_id', htmlspecialchars($profile_user_id));
Member Avatar for langsor


In PHP if you want to delete a file you can use the unlink function.

$file = 'path_to/test_file.txt';
unlink( $file );

Of course there might be permission issues with certain system files ???

Hope it helps


In PHP if you want to delete a file you can use the unlink function.

$file = 'path_to/test_file.txt';
unlink( $file );

Of course there might be permission issues with certain system files ???

Hope it helps

actually sir, I used your code for virus scanning but i don't have any defination filewhich mentioned in your code. So can you send me that file . my email id is <EMAIL SNIPPED>

thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for langsor

actually sir, I used your code for virus scanning but i don't have any defination filewhich mentioned in your code. So can you send me that file . my email id is <EMAIL SNIPPED>

thanks in advance.

I did not write the PHP Virus scan, that would be this guy: chaom79

I'm just trying to help if I can, but would be very interested in how well it works and what kind of virus activity it detects and handles ???

I did not write the PHP Virus scan, that would be this guy: chaom79

I'm just trying to help if I can, but would be very interested in how well it works and what kind of virus activity it detects and handles ???

this code is work if you have a virus defination file with it and dynamically pass the folder name which you want to scan at running time.

Thats why i am asking if someone have virus defination file then plz post here so we can check the code is working or not.

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