how can i tell in php that
01 is not equal to 1
1 not equal to 01
so that i can insert it in the data table
$startnummer= ($_POST['Startnummer']);
$query9 = mysql_query("SELECT werkelijkstartnummer,startnummer,turnier_jaar FROM narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." UNION ALL SELECT werkelijkstartnummer,startnummer,turnier_jaar FROM narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants."_ster WHERE turnier_jaar=".$jaarnu." && startnummer = ".$startnummer." ");
while($row9 = mysql_fetch_array($query9))
$startnummerdouble = $row9['startnumber'];
if ($startnummer == $startnummerdubbel)
give warning that it is the same
insert into table
Thanks in advice John