Its been alot of mess to make the pagination in wordpress :(
I have the pagination, but it renders the same page
template file is

?php get_header(); ?>

        global $my_query;
global $paged;
$paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$temp = $my_query;
$my_query = null;

$args  = array( 
    'post_type' => 'portfolio', 
    'paged' => $paged, 
    'posts_per_page' => 16, 
$my_query = new WP_Query( array( 'posts_per_page' => '-1', 'post_type' => 'portfolio' ) );
//do some work

//calling paginate
$wp_query = null; 
$wp_query = $temp;

paginate function is

function paginate($args = false) {

                    if ($this->type === 'comments' && !get_option('page_comments'))

            $r = wp_parse_args($args, $this->options);
            extract($r, EXTR_SKIP);

            if (!isset($page) && !isset($pages)) {

                            global $wp_query;
                            $wp_query->query('post_type=portfolio&posts_per_page=16&paged=' . $paged);
                if ($this->type === 'posts') {
                    $page = get_query_var('paged');
                    $posts_per_page = intval(get_query_var('posts_per_page'));
                    $pages = intval(ceil($wp_query->found_posts / $posts_per_page));
                else {
                    $page = get_query_var('cpage');
                    $comments_per_page = get_option('comments_per_page');
                    $pages = get_comment_pages_count();
                $page = !empty($page) ? intval($page) : 1;

            $prevlink = ($this->type === 'posts')
                ? esc_url(get_pagenum_link($page - 1))
                : get_comments_pagenum_link($page - 1);
            $nextlink = ($this->type === 'posts')
                ? esc_url(get_pagenum_link($page + 1))
                : get_comments_pagenum_link($page + 1);

            $output = stripslashes($before);
            if ($pages > 1) {
                $output .= sprintf('<ol class="wp-paginate%s">', ($this->type === 'posts') ? '' : ' wp-paginate-comments');
                $output .= sprintf('<li><span class="title">%s</span></li>', stripslashes($title));
                $ellipsis = "<li><span class='gap'>...</span></li>";

                if ($page > 1 && !empty($previouspage)) {
                    $output .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" class="prev">%s</a></li>', $prevlink, stripslashes($previouspage));

                $min_links = $range * 2 + 1;
                $block_min = min($page - $range, $pages - $min_links);
                $block_high = max($page + $range, $min_links);
                $left_gap = (($block_min - $anchor - $gap) > 0) ? true : false;
                $right_gap = (($block_high + $anchor + $gap) < $pages) ? true : false;

                if ($left_gap && !$right_gap) {
                    $output .= sprintf('%s%s%s',
                        $this->paginate_loop(1, $anchor),
                        $this->paginate_loop($block_min, $pages, $page)
                else if ($left_gap && $right_gap) {
                    $output .= sprintf('%s%s%s%s%s',
                        $this->paginate_loop(1, $anchor),
                        $this->paginate_loop($block_min, $block_high, $page),
                        $this->paginate_loop(($pages - $anchor + 1), $pages)
                else if ($right_gap && !$left_gap) {
                    $output .= sprintf('%s%s%s',
                        $this->paginate_loop(1, $block_high, $page),
                        $this->paginate_loop(($pages - $anchor + 1), $pages)
                else {
                    $output .= $this->paginate_loop(1, $pages, $page);

                if ($page < $pages && !empty($nextpage)) {
                    $output .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" class="next">%s</a></li>', $nextlink, stripslashes($nextpage));
                $output .= "</ol>";
            $output .= stripslashes($after);

            if ($pages > 1 || $empty) {
                echo $output;
Member Avatar for LastMitch


Its been alot of mess to make the pagination in wordpress :(. I have the pagination, but it renders the same page

I have a question why didn't you post this question at WordPress forum? I mean posting at Daniweb is not bad but know Wordpress had it own forum because it's their product.

Regarding about the pagaination? Did you used a plugin for this?

Here is a tutorial about pagaination:

I am using a plugin wp_paginate

Any reason you're not just using the built in WordPress pagination functionality?

@blocblue: I am using a custom theme, named as Ying_and_yang of onion eye. Now there is pagination but its returning the same results on each page :(

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