I'm trying to generate a raceform site, with the results page displaying the horse, jockey and trainer as links which lead to their individual pages. I have the right effect, but it's taking a long time to load the page, which I'm assuming is due to the number of joined tables showing different data.
I wondered if anyone had ideas for improving the code/loading time?
Original code:
// Get all the data from the table
$result = mysql_query(" SELECT runners.raceid, runners.pos, runners.dist, runners.horse, runners.eqp, runners.draw, runners.age, runners.weight,
runners.overw, runners.rat, runners.jockey, runners.trainer,
race.raceid, race.link, race.dateshort, race.cshort, race.classshort, race.distf, race.ground, race.racetype,
horses.horse, horses.hlink,
connectionstest.jockey, connectionstest.trainer, connectionstest.con_link
FROM runners
Inner Join race On
runners.raceid = race.raceid
Inner Join horses On
runners.horse = horses.horse
Inner Join connectionstest On
runners.jockey = connectionstest.jockey
OR runners.trainer = connectionstest.trainer
WHERE runners.raceid = '2001006'
ORDER BY runners.id")
or die(mysql_error());
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>
<th>Pos</th> <th>Dist</th> <th>Horse</th> <th>Eqp</th> <th>Draw</th> <th>Age</th> <th>Weight</th> <th>Rat</th>
<th>Jockey</th> <th>Trainer</th></tr>";
// Keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
// Print out the contents of each row into a table
echo "<tr><td>";
echo $row['pos'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo titleCase($row['dist']);
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<a href='$horselink'>";
echo titleCase($row['horse']);
echo strtoupper($row['ctry']);
echo "</td><td>";
echo $row['eqp'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo titleCase($row['draw']);
echo "</td><td>";
echo titleCase($row['age']);
echo "</td><td>";
echo $row['weight'];
echo " ";
echo $row['overw'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo $row['rat'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<a href='$jockeylink'>";
echo titleCase($row['jockey']);
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<a href='$trainerlink'>";
echo titleCase($row['trainer']);
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
I've attempted to collate the jockey and trainer links into a single table, and while it loads far more quickly (links not yet working) it's not producing the results correctly:
Database table: http://www.further-flight.co.uk/site/test/data/races/connectionstest.jpg
Code for second version:
// Get all the data from the table
$result = mysql_query(" SELECT runners.raceid, runners.pos, runners.dist, runners.horse, runners.eqp, runners.draw, runners.age, runners.weight,
runners.overw, runners.rat, runners.jockey, runners.trainer,
race.raceid, race.link, race.dateshort, race.cshort, race.classshort, race.distf, race.ground, race.racetype,
jockey.jockey, jockey.jlink,
horses.horse, horses.hlink,
trainer.trainer, trainer.tlink
FROM runners
Inner Join race On
runners.raceid = race.raceid
Inner Join jockey On
runners.jockey = jockey.jockey
Inner Join horses On
runners.horse = horses.horse
Inner Join trainer On
runners.trainer = trainer.trainer
WHERE runners.raceid = '2001006'
ORDER BY runners.id")
or die(mysql_error());
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can get the right effect without killing off my database? Any advice gratefully received.