Member Avatar for mehnihma

I am bulding a code for my site and have few problems

  1. When I run this few times, it updates table ps_stock_available but with wrong values and after some time is stops to update that table? The problem is in the last query, two queries above are working


                mysql_query("UPDATE ps_product SET ".
                    "wholesale_price=".$priceWithDiscount.", ".
                    "price=".$price.", ".
                    "quantity=".$freeOnStock." ".
                    "WHERE supplier_reference='".$key."'");

                mysql_query("UPDATE ps_product_shop SET ".
                    "wholesale_price=".$priceWithDiscount.", ".
                    "price=".$price." ".
                    //"WHERE id_product=".$selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx]);
                    //" WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product_supplier WHERE product_supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                    " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");

                mysql_query("UPDATE ps_stock_available SET ".
                    "quantity=".$freeOnStock." ".
                   // "WHERE id_product=".$selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx]);
                   //" WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product_supplier WHERE product_supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                   " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");

                   mysql_query("UPDATE ps_product_supplier SET ".
                    "product_supplier_price_te=".$priceWithDiscount.", ".
                    //"WHERE id_product=".$selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx]);
                //  " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product_supplier WHERE product_supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                    " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                    //" WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" .$key."'");


Also $selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx] has the wqorng id?

$shopArtiikalCount = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $selektiraniArtikli[$shopArtiikalCount] = $row['supplier_reference'];
    $selektiraniArtikliIDs[$shopArtiikalCount] = $row['id_product'];

if ( $onlyArtList )
    //fwrite($fl, print_r($suplierItemList, true));

    foreach ($suplierItemList->key as $key)
        $row = array($key, $name, $tradeMark, $group, $subGroup, $currency, $price, $priceWithDiscount, $featured, $warranty, $freeOnStock, $availability, $description, $pictureURL, $pictureURLHighResolution, $length, $width, $height, $mass, $ean, $serialNumberOut, $manufacturersPartNumber, $similarItems, "Microline", $nasa_ref, $key, $name, $name);
        fwrite($fp, implode($delimiter, $row)."\r\n");


In this part I only get $nasa_ref sometimes which is strange?

            $manufacturersPartNumber = $xml->manufacturersPartNumber;
            $similarItems = $xml->similarItems;
            $nasa_ref = trim($manufacturersPartNumber);

            //if(strlen($nasa_ref) == 0)
            //$nasa_ref = $key;
                if(is_null($nasa_ref) || empty($nasa_ref)) {
                    $nasa_ref = $key;

In this par I have problems with finding new products:

// artikl nije pronadjen?
                if ( $findNew || !$artiklFound ) {
                    echo "novi artikl: $key <br/>\n";
                    fwrite($fl, "novi artikl: $key\n");
                    // dodaj ga u .csv
                    fwrite($fp, implode($delimiter, $row)."\r\n");

                    if ( $findNew ) {

                        if ( $countUpdated >= 250 ) {

This is whole code

    ini_set('max_execution_time', '300');
    // Izradio Silvio Baričević -
    // skype: silvio.baricevic
    // Silens d.o.o.
    // Trajanje uvoza mol u csv datoteku traje oko sat vremena kad se koristi cron job, što je i preporuka za korištenje ove skripte.
    // Ukoliko budete koristili localhost, možete očekivati greške zbog prekida u streamu.

    // Postavljamo vremenski limit za izvršavanje skripte

    // Postavljamo limit za memoriju za PHP (iako je bolje to učiniti u php.ini)
    ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');

    // Potreban library za izvršavanje soapa pošto većina hostinga ne podržava php soap zadani library

    // SELECT * FROM `ps_product` WHERE `supplier_reference` = "kon-tab-arn-4g" LIMIT 0 , 30

    // config

    // MOL Korisničke postavke za prijavu

    // implementation

    // Početak za timing skriptu za stranicu
    $time = microtime();
    $time = explode(' ', $time);
    $time = $time[1] + $time[0];
    $start = $time;

    $debug  = 0;        if(isset($_GET['debug']))   $debug = 1;

    // bez parametara: svi proizvodi (ne upotrebljavati jer traje dugo (ca. 90 min)
    // inace, ovo ...
    $first  = 1;        if(isset($_GET['start']))   $first = $_GET['start'];
    $nrRows = -1;       if(isset($_GET['rows']))    $nrRows = $_GET['rows'];
    // ... ili ovo ...
    $findNew = 0;       if(isset($_GET['onlynew'])) $findNew = 1;
    // ... ili ovo
    $onlyArtList = 0;   if(isset($_GET['onlylist'])) $onlyArtList = 1;

    echo 'Microline update';
    echo "<br/>\n";
    echo "<br/>\n";

    // Delimiter koji ćemo koristiti u csv datoteci
    $delimiter = '^';

    // Standardna marža
    $marza = 1.70;

    // Postavke za wsdl
    $params = array();
    $params["customerKey"] = $kupac;
    $params["password"] = $lozinka;

    $soap = new nusoap_client($wsdl, $params);
    $soap->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
    $soap->decode_utf8 = false;

    $suplierItemList = $soap->call("itemList", $params);
    $suplierItemList = implode($suplierItemList);
    $suplierItemList = simplexml_load_string($suplierItemList);

    $resultTradeMarkList = $soap->call("tradeMarkList", $params);
    $resultTradeMarkList = implode($resultTradeMarkList);
    $resultTradeMarkList = simplexml_load_string($resultTradeMarkList);

    $resultItemTypeList = $soap->call("itemTypeList", $params);
    $resultItemTypeList = implode($resultItemTypeList);
    $resultItemTypeList = simplexml_load_string($resultItemTypeList);

    $paramsSubTypeList = $params;
    $paramsSubTypeList["onlyForItemTypeKey"] = "" ;

    $resultItemSubTypeList = $soap->call("itemSubTypeList", $paramsSubTypeList);
    $resultItemSubTypeList = implode($resultItemSubTypeList);
    $resultItemSubTypeList = simplexml_load_string($resultItemSubTypeList);

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>microline update</title>

    // Kreiramo polja za trademark, grupu i podgrupu. Naknadno ćemo pretraživati ova polja.

    $countUpdated = 0;
    foreach ($resultTradeMarkList->tradeMark as $marka) {
        $brand[$countUpdated][0] = $marka->key;
        $brand[$countUpdated][1] = $marka->description;

    $countUpdated = 0;
    foreach ($resultItemTypeList->type as $grupa) {
        $vrsta[$countUpdated][0] = $grupa->key;
        $vrsta[$countUpdated][1] = $grupa->description;

    $countUpdated = 0;
    foreach ($resultItemSubTypeList->subType as $podgrupa) {
        $podvrsta[$countUpdated][0] = $podgrupa->id;
        $podvrsta[$countUpdated][1] = $podgrupa->description;

    $fileNamPrefix = 'products_upd';
    if ( $nrRows > 0 )
        $fileNamPrefix = 'products_upd_'.$first.'_'.$nrRows;
    else if ( $onlyArtList )
        $fileNamPrefix = 'products_all_refs';
    else if ( $findNew )
        $fileNamPrefix = 'products_new';

    $fl = NULL;
    if ( $debug ) {
        $fl = fopen($fileNamPrefix.'.log', 'w');
    else {
        $fl = fopen($fileNamPrefix.'.log', 'a+');

    fwrite($fl, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\n");

    // Otvaramo csv datoteku u koju ćemo zapisivati podatke
    $fp = fopen($fileNamPrefix.'.csv', 'w');
    //fputs($fp, $bom =( chr(0xEF) . chr(0xBB) . chr(0xBF) ));

    if ( $nrRows > 0 )
        echo 'osvjezavanje od '.$first.', sljedecih '.$nrRows.' proizvoda';
    else if ( $findNew )
        echo 'pronalazimo samo nove proizvode, file za import: products_new.csv';
    else if ( $onlyArtList )
        echo 'samo lista svih proizvoda, file: '.$fileNamPrefix.'.csv';
        echo 'osvjezavanje svih proizvoda:';
    echo "<br/>\n";
    echo "<br/>\n";

    // Zapisujemo header u csv, tj. prvi red
    $row = array("key", "name", "tradeMark", "group", "subGroup", "currency", "basePrice", "priceWithDiscount", "featured", "warranty", "freeOnStock", "availability", "description", "pictureURL", "pictureURLHighResolution", "length", "width", "height", "mass", "ean", "serialNumberOut", "manufacturersPartNumber", "similarItems", "supplier", "nasa_ref", "key", "name", "name");
    fputcsv($fp, $row, $delimiter);

    $selektiraniArtikli = array();
    $selektiraniArtikliIDs = array();
    //$selektiraniArtikli = array("asus-g55vw-s1020h", "asus-g55vw-s1185h");

    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", $mysql_user, $mysql_pwd);
    if (!$con) {
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

    mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $con);

    // find microline's supplier id
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id_supplier FROM ps_supplier WHERE name = 'Microline'");
    $id_supplier = -1;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $id_supplier = $row['id_supplier'];

    if ( $id_supplier < 0 )
      die( "Ne mogu pronaci Microline kao dobavljaca u bazi: ".$mysql_db );

    // select all suplier products from the shop
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id_product, supplier_reference FROM ps_product WHERE id_supplier = $id_supplier");

    $shopArtiikalCount = 0;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $selektiraniArtikli[$shopArtiikalCount] = $row['supplier_reference'];
        $selektiraniArtikliIDs[$shopArtiikalCount] = $row['id_product'];

    if ( $debug ) {
        fwrite($fl, "shopArtiikalCount: $shopArtiikalCount\n");
        fwrite($fl, print_r($selektiraniArtikli, true));
        fwrite($fl, "lista artikala u microline shop-u:\n");
        fwrite($fl, print_r($suplierItemList, true));

    if ( $onlyArtList )
        //fwrite($fl, print_r($suplierItemList, true));

        foreach ($suplierItemList->key as $key)
            $row = array($key, $name, $tradeMark, $group, $subGroup, $currency, $price, $priceWithDiscount, $featured, $warranty, $freeOnStock, $availability, $description, $pictureURL, $pictureURLHighResolution, $length, $width, $height, $mass, $ean, $serialNumberOut, $manufacturersPartNumber, $similarItems, "Microline", $nasa_ref, $key, $name, $name);
            fwrite($fp, implode($delimiter, $row)."\r\n");


    // TODO: debug
    //echo "first: $first <br/>\n";

    // Ulazimo u petlju gdje idemo kroz sve šifre lagera
    $artNr = 0;
    $countUpdated = 0;
    foreach ($selektiraniArtikli as $key) {

        $artiklFound = false;
        $artiklFoundIdx = 0;

        foreach ($suplierItemList->key as $artikl) {
            if ($artikl == $key) {
                $artiklFound = true;

        // ako je postavljen raspon ...
        if ( $nrRows > 0 )
            // ... preskoci prve ...
            if ( $artNr < $first )
            // ... ili prekini nakon zadnjeg
            else if ( $artNr > ($first + $nrRows - 1) )
        // ako pronalazimo samo nove artikle, a trenutni artikal je pronadjen, onda ga preskoci
        else if ( $findNew && $artiklFound )

        // e.g.:
        $url = "".$kupac."&password=".$lozinka."&itemKey=".$key."&extraInfo=true";

        // Provjera da li postoji xml za odgovarajuću šifru da nam ne izbaci preranu pogrešku
        if ($artiklFound)
            if ($xml = simplexml_load_file(utf8_encode($url), 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA))
                if ( $debug ) {
                    //fwrite($fl, "xml for artnr->key: ".$artNr." -> ".$key." : ");
                    echo "shopArtNr->key->suplArtNr: $artNr -> $key -> $artiklFoundIdx <br>\n";
                    fwrite($fl, "xml for shopArtNr->key->suplArtNr: $artNr -> $key -> $artiklFoundIdx: ");
                    fwrite($fl, print_r($xml, true));

                // Postavljamo varijable koje ćemo zapisati u csv datoteku
                $name = $xml->name;

                $tradeMark = $xml->tradeMark;
                $array = $brand;
                $searchTerm = (string)$tradeMark;
                foreach ($array as $childKey => $childArray) {
                    if ($childArray['0'] == $searchTerm) {
                        $tradeMark = $brand[$childKey][1];

                // translate group to group name
                $group = $xml->group;

                //echo "- group: $group <br/>\n";

                // skip group: Razne stvari - ne koristiti
                if ($group == "raz") {
                    //echo "- skipped <br/>\n";

                $array = $vrsta;
                $searchTerm = (string)$group;
                foreach ($array as $childKey => $childArray) {
                    if ($childArray['0'] == $searchTerm) {
                        $group = $vrsta[$childKey][1];

                // translate subGroup to subGroup name
                $subGroup = $xml->subGroup;

                $array = $podvrsta;
                $searchTerm = (string)$subGroup;
                foreach ($array as $childKey => $childArray) {
                    if ($childArray['0'] == $searchTerm) {
                        $subGroup = $podvrsta[$childKey][1];

                $currency = $xml->currency;
                $basePrice = $xml->basePrice;
                $basePrice = str_replace(",", "." , $basePrice);

                // Računamo cijenu sa uračunatom maržom bez pdv-a. Ukoliko želite dodati i PDV, samo pomnožite varijablu sa 1.25 u dodatnom redu.
                $priceWithDiscount = $xml->priceWithDiscount;
                $priceWithDiscount = str_replace(",", "." , $priceWithDiscount);
                $priceWithDiscount = floatval($priceWithDiscount);
                $price = $priceWithDiscount * $marza;

                $featured_element = $xml->priceWithDiscount->attributes();
                $featured = $featured_element['actionPrice'];
                $warranty = $xml->warranty;
                $freeOnStock = $xml->freeOnStock;
                $availability = $xml->availability;
                $length = $xml->length;
                $width = $xml->width;
                $height = $xml->height;
                $mass = $xml->mass;
                $length = str_replace(",", "." , $length);
                $width = str_replace(",", "." , $width);
                $mass = str_replace(",", "." , $mass);
                $height = str_replace(",", "." , $mass);

                $ean = $xml->ean;
                $serialNumberOut = $xml->serialNumberOut;
                $manufacturersPartNumber = $xml->manufacturersPartNumber;
                $similarItems = $xml->similarItems;
                $nasa_ref = trim($manufacturersPartNumber);

                //if(strlen($nasa_ref) == 0)
                //$nasa_ref = $key;
                    if(is_null($nasa_ref) || empty($nasa_ref)) {
                        $nasa_ref = $key;

                //$description .= '<table width="560" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
                $description = '<table width="560" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
                $popuni1 = "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b>";
                $popuni2 = "</b>: ";
                foreach ($xml->description->children() as $opis) {
                     foreach ($opis->children() as $property) {

                        // Čistim string da ne bi bilo nereda prilikom zapisivanja u csv
                        $property = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/", ' ', $property);

                         $description .= $popuni1.$property.$popuni2;
                         if ($popuni1 == "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b>") {
                            $popuni1 = "</td><td valign='top'>";
                            $popuni2 = "</td></tr>";
                         else {
                            $popuni1 = "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b>";
                            $popuni2 = "</b>: ";
                $description .= "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b></b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
                $description .= "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b>Dimenzije i težina:</b></td><td>širina: ".$width." cm - duljina: ".$length." cm - visina: ".$height." cm - težina: ".$mass." kg</td></tr>";
                $description .= "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b></b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
                $description .= "<tr><td width='150' valign='top'><b>Jamstvo:</b></td><td>".$warranty." (godina)</td></tr>";
                $description .= "</table>";

                $pictureURL = $xml->pictureURL;
                $pictureURLHighResolution = $xml->pictureURLHighResolution;
                if ((string)$pictureURLHighResolution == "") {
                    $pictureURLHighResolution = $pictureURL;

                // Ovdje preskačemo zapisivanje reda u csv. Postavljanje varijable se vrši u dodjeljivanju nadgrupa, grupa...
                if ($nadgrupa == "PRESKOCI") continue;

                // Pripremamo završno polje za zapisivanje u csv datoteku i zapisujemo red
                $row = array($key, $name, $tradeMark, $group, $subGroup, $currency, $price, $priceWithDiscount, $featured, $warranty, $freeOnStock, $availability, $description, $pictureURL, $pictureURLHighResolution, $length, $width, $height, $mass, $ean, $serialNumberOut, $manufacturersPartNumber, $similarItems, "Microline", $nasa_ref, $key, $name, $name);

                // artikl nije pronadjen?
                if ( $findNew || !$artiklFound ) {
                    echo "novi artikl: $key <br/>\n";
                    fwrite($fl, "novi artikl: $key\n");
                    // dodaj ga u .csv
                    fwrite($fp, implode($delimiter, $row)."\r\n");

                    if ( $findNew ) {

                        if ( $countUpdated >= 250 ) {
                    // artikl je pronadjen, direktni update mysql baze

                    mysql_query("UPDATE ps_product SET ".
                        "wholesale_price=".$priceWithDiscount.", ".
                        "price=".$price.", ".
                        "quantity=".$freeOnStock." ".
                        "WHERE supplier_reference='".$key."'");

                    mysql_query("UPDATE ps_product_shop SET ".
                        "wholesale_price=".$priceWithDiscount.", ".
                        "price=".$price." ".
                        //"WHERE id_product=".$selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx]);
                        //" WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product_supplier WHERE product_supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                        " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");

                    mysql_query("UPDATE ps_stock_available SET ".
                        "quantity=".$freeOnStock." ".
                       // "WHERE id_product=".$selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx]);
                       //" WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product_supplier WHERE product_supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                       " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");

                       mysql_query("UPDATE ps_product_supplier SET ".
                        "product_supplier_price_te=".$priceWithDiscount.", ".
                        //"WHERE id_product=".$selektiraniArtikliIDs[$artiklFoundIdx]);
                    //  " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product_supplier WHERE product_supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                        " WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" . $key . "' LIMIT 1)");
                        //" WHERE id_product = (SELECT id_product FROM ps_product WHERE supplier_reference = '" .$key."'");

                echo "xml ne postoji: $key <br/>\n";
                fwrite($fl, "xml ne postoji: $key\n");

            $description = "";
            echo "artikl vise ne postoji: $key <br/>\n";
            fwrite($fl, "artikl vise ne postoji: $key\n");

        if ($debug ) {
            // Ovo je zgodno omogućiti da isprobamo promjene na skripti jer bi se inače moralo dugo čekati da se izvrši cjelokupni import
            if ($countUpdated == 20) { echo "debug break<br/>\n"; break; }


    function csv2xml($file, $container = 'data', $rows = 'row')
            $r = "<{$container}>\n";
            $row = 0;
            $cols = 0;
            $titles = array();

            $handle = @fopen($file, 'r');
            if (!$handle) return $handle;

            while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, '^')) !== FALSE)
                 if ($row > 0) $r .= "\t<{$rows}>\n";
                 if (!$cols) $cols = count($data);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++)
                      if ($row == 0)
                           $titles[$i] = $data[$i];

                      $r .= "\t\t<{$titles[$i]}>";
                      $r .= $data[$i];
                      $r .= "</{$titles[$i]}>\n";
                 if ($row > 0) $r .= "\t</{$rows}>\n";
            $r .= "</{$container}>";

            return $r;

    // for xml
    $fh = fopen($fileNamPrefix.'.xml', 'w') or die("can't open file");
    fwrite($fh, csv2xml($fileNamPrefix.'.csv'));

    $time = microtime();
    $time = explode(' ', $time);
    $time = $time[1] + $time[0];
    $finish = $time;
    $total_time = round(($finish - $start), 4);

    echo "<br/>\n";

    if ( $findNew ) {
        echo 'Novih artikala: '.$countUpdated;
        fwrite($fl, 'Novih artikala: '.$countUpdated);
        echo 'Osvjezeno artikala: '.$countUpdated;
        fwrite($fl, 'Osvjezeno artikala: '.$countUpdated);

    echo "<br/>\n";
    echo 'Page generated in '.$total_time.' seconds.';

    fwrite($fl, "\n");


If anybody has ides on this?


Member Avatar for LastMitch


When I run this few times, it updates table ps_stock_available but with wrong values and after some time is stops to update that table? The problem is in the last query, two queries above are working

Can you tell me what other errors you got? You never mention what error you got instead you just mention the last query? When you ran the code what error messages appear on which line? You have to understand I don't have a db to test this out.

Member Avatar for mehnihma

I dont have errors that is the problem :D
It dosent work what is should

Man, that's big problem. LOL

Try dumping the variables you're inserting before execution in the DB. From there, you should see any inconsistencies in your inputs or processes.

Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have done some changes, but I get worng IDs in $shopProductIndex

Can you tell me why?

$selektiraniArtikli = array();
$selektiraniArtikliIDs = array();
//$selektiraniArtikli = array("asus-g55vw-s1020h", "asus-g55vw-s1185h");
$suplierProductsFound = array();

$con = mysql_connect("localhost", $mysql_user, $mysql_pwd);
if (!$con) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $con);

// find microline's supplier id
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id_supplier FROM ps_supplier WHERE name = 'Microline'");
$id_supplier = -1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $id_supplier = $row['id_supplier'];

if ( $id_supplier < 0 )
  die( "Ne mogu pronaci Microline kao dobavljaca u bazi: ".$mysql_db );

// select all suplier products from the shop
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id_product, supplier_reference FROM ps_product WHERE id_supplier = $id_supplier");

$shopProductCount = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $selektiraniArtikli[$shopProductCount] = $row['supplier_reference'];
    $selektiraniArtikliIDs[$shopProductCount] = $row['id_product'];

$microlineProductCount = 0;
foreach ($suplierItemList->key as $key)
    $suplierProducts[$microlineProductCount] = $key;
    $suplierProductsFound[$microlineProductCount] = 0;

if ( $debug ) {
    fwrite($fl, "shopProductCount     : $shopProductCount\n");
    fwrite($fl, "microlineProductCount: $microlineProductCount\n");
    fwrite($fl, "lista artikala shop:\n");
    fwrite($fl, print_r($selektiraniArtikli, true));
    fwrite($fl, print_r($selektiraniArtikliIDs, true));
    fwrite($fl, "lista artikala u microline shop-u:\n");
    fwrite($fl, print_r($suplierItemList, true));
    //fwrite($fl, print_r($suplierProductsFound, true));


if ( $onlyArtList )
    //fwrite($fl, print_r($suplierItemList, true));

    foreach ($suplierItemList->key as $key)
        $row = array($key, $name, $tradeMark, $group, $subGroup, $currency, $price, $priceWithDiscount, $featured, $warranty, $freeOnStock, $availability, $description, $pictureURL, $pictureURLHighResolution, $length, $width, $height, $mass, $ean, $serialNumberOut, $manufacturersPartNumber, $similarItems, "Microline");
        fwrite($fp, implode($delimiter, $row)."\r\n");


// TODO: debug
//echo "first: $first <br/>\n";

// Ulazimo u petlju gdje idemo kroz sve šifre lagera
$shopProductIndex = 0;
$countUpdated = 0;
foreach ($selektiraniArtikli as $key) {

    $artiklFound = false;
    $microlineProductIndex = 0;

    foreach ($suplierItemList->key as $artikl) {
        if ($artikl == $key) {
            $artiklFound = true;
            $suplierProductsFound[$microlineProductIndex] = 1;



    // ako je postavljen raspon ...
    if ( $nrRows > 0 )
        // ... preskoci prve ...
        if ( $shopProductIndex < $first )
        // ... ili prekini nakon zadnjeg
        else if ( $shopProductIndex > ($first + $nrRows - 1) )
    // ako pronalazimo samo nove artikle, a trenutni artikal je pronadjen, onda ga preskoci
    else if ( $findNew && $artiklFound )

Currently you're problem description and code is cryptic, if you can ellaborate more, the better. Check this part if you're really getting inside the ifs, or the part where you're using the $shopProductIndex:

    // ako je postavljen raspon ...
    if ( $nrRows > 0 )
        // ... preskoci prve ...
        if ( $shopProductIndex < $first )
        // ... ili prekini nakon zadnjeg
        else if ( $shopProductIndex > ($first + $nrRows - 1) )
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