i am not sure what i did but i messed up my page. take a look at page and you will see the problem. it puting php code in a echo"";. i cant seem to find where the problem.
<!-- Connect -->
session_start(); //for errors
<!-- top menu and image-->
<div id = 'bg_middle2'>
<div class = 'apparel_top_title'>
<h3><a href='../../index.php'>Home</a> > <a href='apparel.php'>Apparel</a></h3>
<div id = 'male_image_wrapper'>
<img src='../../IMAGE/menu_graphics/apparel.png'>
</div> <hr id='hr'/>
<div id = 'apparel_content_page_wrapper'>
<div id='apparel_form'><br/>
<form action='apparel.php' method='POST'>
<label>Sort By:</label>
<select name="order_by">
<option value="">Choose...</option>
<option value="title">Title</option>
<option value="newest">Newest</option>
<option value="oldest">Oldest</option>
<option value="most_popular">Most Popular</option>
<option value="low_heigh">Price: Low to Heigh</option>
<option value="heigh_low">Price: Height to Low</option>
<button type="submit" id="male_button" class="small_button" name="apparel_button">go</button>
</div><!-- apparel_form -->
<div id = 'index_content_page_wrapper'>
<br/> <br/>
/*** display images ***/
//$user_name_c = $_COOKIE['username'];
if(isset($_POST['apparel_button'])) //if user hit submit button
$order_by_p = $_POST['order_by'];
if($order_by_p == 'title')
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY image_user_name LIMIT 8");
else if($order_by_p == 'newest')
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY item_add_date DESC LIMIT 8");
else if($order_by_p == 'oldest')
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY item_add_date ASC LIMIT 8");
else if($order_by_p == 'most_popular')
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY sold DESC LIMIT 8");
else if($order_by_p == 'low_heigh')
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY price ASC LIMIT 8");
else if($order_by_p == 'heigh_low')
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 8");
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 8");
$male_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE main_category='Apparel' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 8");
$count = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($male_query))
$image_user_name_db = $row['image_user_name'];
$image_user_name_db = ucwords($image_user_name_db); // upper case begining of every word
$image_folder_name_db = $row['image_folder_name'];
$price_db = $row['price'];
$price_db = number_format($price_db, 2); //2 decimal. ex (1.0, 1)= 1.00
echo"<td >";
echo"<img src='http://localhost/E_COMMERCE/IMAGE/STORE_ITEMS_DB/$image_folder_name_db' width='150' height='150'/> <br/>";
echo"<p id='name'>$image_user_name_db</p>";
echo"<p id='price'>Our Price $$price_db</p>";
echo "</td>";
if($count == 4) //3 cols
echo "</tr><tr>"; // Start a new row at 3 cols
$count = 0;
}//end of while loop
/****** pagination **********/
<div id='load'>
<button type='submit' id='load_button' class='button'>Load 6 more items</button>
</div> "; //end of index_content_page_wrapper
//echo nl2br($features_db); //takes \n from textarea
<!-- FOOTER -->