I'm finding it difficult to configure public link in ajaxplorer. According to their documentation, this setting can done in server/conf/conf.php but the problem is there is no such file as server/conf/conf.php in the entire application folder. I currently using ajaxplorer 4.2.3.

Member Avatar for diafol

Can you provide more info? What exactly does this file need to contain or what do you mean by configuring a public link?

What I want to do is to create a public link to a resipository. I have integrated Ajaxplorer into a CMS I have developed for managing news articles. The problem is that whenever I link to an image, the image does not appear on the site. Even copying the url of a file is impossible, I have to open the file in an external window to copy the address.

Member Avatar for diafol

Without code I have no idea how to address this.

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