Hey guys,
Does anyone know a good script out there that could be used for hosting scripts?
Like for example you can have a look an Ning.com SocialGo.com and Grou.ps .
You signup with them and they give you a sub directory with another social netwprking script inside it.

Currently I am trying to recode this webhosting script I found, though i know it might fail. im still trying :/

If you know anything similar, do tell me.
Or if you have any idea to it, please do explain how i would be able to make it.


And ohh yeah, I have just learnt programming a few months ago, So Im sorry about the research part, still learning.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Does anyone know a good script out there that could be used for hosting scripts?

I mean for a good one. I think most of hosting scripts you have to pay a license. For a free one then I think you might have to google it more and do more research. You might also need a PHP Framework to run the script.

Here is an article about choosing a framework:


Its okay if I would have to get a license or so, I just want a good script so that I wont have to program everything from scratch. :)

And thanks for the link, really helps :)

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