
I want to program a SMS gateway site, which sends sms messages and provide API for using it.. I want to make a site like http://www.clickatell.com ...

Can any one helps me, I want some resources to start with, but I can't find anything useful yet, please I want help urgently.

Thank you in Advance.

Mahmoud Tahoon

hey there i would also like to build a site in similar charistics but i would like to build a site more like send horoscopes to cell phones for $2 a text question ect . if you know what i mean but if any one has ideas on how to start one please responed asap

You'll want to hook into a 3rd party company that is already integrated into the major wireless providers' billing systems. www.golivemobile.com is the biggest one I know of. Just a heads up though, the majority of premium sms services are irritating scams. If you build one of those scam services, a lot of people (myself included) will not like you.

I want to make a site for free SMS service in INDIA. This website will have
the capability to send sms to mobile phones(i.e Web to Mobile SMS Service).
I think, We require a SMS Gateway for this purpose.

Please help me in creating sms gateway. reply me to intechserver@gmail.com

Hi friend...I have been into this SMS gate way stuff ..I used many sms gateways like OZEKI ,Mcore etc. ...But the problem is all of them are paid softwares and so it does have limitations.So i tried making an sms gateway of my own and by gods grace i succeded.I used Serial port communication using c#.net and AT commands for communicating with the modem. ..Its working perfectly for me.I can send and receive sms using this ... I put some tutorials in my website

I know this tutorial is not complete,but it covers the most tedious task i faced,ie to convert text message to PDU format which most mobile phones recognizes. The rest is not that tough

I can get you the code if you need.Please contact me ...
Or else if u prefer using OZeki ,here is the tutorial for using those kind of stuffs


commented: i appriciate... +0

I know this has been dead for a while but I came across www.dialogue.net They are slightly similar to the others but ive been using them for a while and can vouch for them.

@shefeekj. I went through your site.. your are sending SMS from Mobile., good concept.. but is this is the way the Ozeki is also using? or do they have any different approach of which provides a SMS getway (Webservice) to us.

If you are wanting to do SMS type functions I would recommend looking at Twilio. Have used their API a few times for different projects, including our monitoring alerts at Stackify. Twilio also supports making phone calls, IVR and other cool functions.

@Bhuvan Ram, Can you please share the links shefeeki posted on his message. The URLs are snipped right now and I don't have access to it.

Forget everything. It is better to use a ready to use SMS Gateway Platform. You can look around in google and find such solutions like TeleOSS, www.aruhat.com/teleoss. You can get started very soon with these ready solutions

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