I need to use a <hr> tag under the date based on a condition. however its within a listview template and am haiving issues either finding it or trying to dynamically add it.
below is the code that loads the first article and stores its date in a temp location, if the second article matches the temp date it meets condition 1 and a date is not created. otherwise it meets condition 2 and a date is given. when the date is given i want a <hr> in the client side to be visable. Any ideas on the best method. i cant find the control when i use the findControl('controlname') method. Thanks
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LatestContent()
DataTable table1 = new DataTable("content"); //create datatable
table1.Columns.Add("Date", Type.GetType("System.String"));
table1.Columns.Add("title", Type.GetType("System.String"));
table1.Columns.Add("intro", Type.GetType("System.String"));
using (apiContentDataContext api_GetContent = new apiContentDataContext())
var result = from c in api_GetContent.getAllContent().ToList()
select c;
int count = 0;
var totalEntries = result.Count();
string tempDate = null;
foreach (var entry in result)
string tableName = "table" + count;
DateTime formattedDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(entry.contentDate));//get
string newdate = formattedDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy");
string[,] arrMultiD =
{newdate, entry.contentTitle.ToString(), entry.contentIntro.ToString()}
if (tempDate == entry.contentDate.ToString() && count > 0) //condition1
for (int i = 0; i < arrMultiD.GetLength(0); i++) //no date
table1.Rows.Add();//create a new row
table1.Rows[table1.Rows.Count - 1]["title"] = arrMultiD[i, 1];
table1.Rows[table1.Rows.Count - 1]["intro"] = arrMultiD[i, 2];
for (int i = 0; i < arrMultiD.GetLength(0); i++) //condition 2
table1.Rows.Add();//create a new row
table1.Rows[table1.Rows.Count - 1]["Date"] = arrMultiD[i, 0];
table1.Rows[table1.Rows.Count - 1]["title"] = arrMultiD[i, 1];
table1.Rows[table1.Rows.Count - 1]["intro"] = arrMultiD[i, 2];
count ++;
tempDate = entry.contentDate.ToString(); //get diary date of first entry
LVContentHome.DataSource = table1;
---------------------------- Client ----------------------------------------------------
<asp:ListView ID="LVContentHome" runat="server" OnPagePropertiesChanging="listItems_PagePropertiesChanging" EnableModelValidation="false">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />
<div class="ded" id="ded" runat="server">
<asp:Panel id="myDiv" runat="server">
<a><%# Eval("Date")%><hr runat="server" id="dateHR" class="hrDate"/> </a>
//loads other data here