So.... I am just wondering which would be the better one to learn for todays market - or JSP. I have to take one or the other and am not sure which one is the
better choice. If it were up to me I would say neither and go with Ruby on Rails or php.
But those are not an option.
I would really appreciate your thoughts.


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I am just wondering which would be the better one to learn for todays market - or JSP. I have to take one or the other and am not sure which one is the
better choice. If it were up to me I would say neither and go with Ruby on Rails or php.

I would choose PHP &

Thank you. I wish php was an option but no...I can't believe a school, whose foundation was built on technology, does not offer php classes. It is absurd if you ask me.

Anybody else have any thoughts on this? Is thanks Best Options

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