Hi I'm kind of a new to javascripting but I was wondering if you good web developers could give an example of an email suggestion box?
And for the second question. Would JQuery be affecting the performance if I would implement it on SaaS applications ?
For example if I want to implement like google calendar with jquery, would it be complex or would you go for it?
Ok so for example , you do a query and get results, store them in an array and then we want to press down, up to choose the emails from the suggested fields.
if (key == 38) { //up
//make some sort of mark previous
if (contact_array_counter < 0) {
alert("don't go UP");
} else {
alert(contact_array_recipienthtml[contact_array_counter] + " and the contact_rec: " + contact_array_recipient[contact_array_counter]);
if (key == 40) { // down
//make some sort of mark next
if (contact_array_counter == found_hits-1) { //reached max hits, can't go any further
} else {
alert(contact_array_recipienthtml[contact_array_counter] + " and the contact_rec: " + contact_array_recipient[contact_array_counter]);
//somehow mark the suggestion box indexed,