I have the following email script, which is working fine except none of the carriage returns work and the entire message from all the fields just goes in one line without any spaces.
I've tried to look up carriage returns and didn't find anything different from \r\n
Any help would be great. Many thanks
if ($_POST["contact_email"]<>'') {
$ToEmail = 'xxxxxxxxxxx.com';
$EmailSubject = 'Mas Des Filles Contact Form';
$mailheader = "From: ".$_POST["contact_name"]."\r\n";
$mailheader .= "Reply-To: ".$_POST["contact_email"]."\r\n";
$mailheader .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$MESSAGE_BODY = "Name is contacting you from Mas Des Filles Contact Page" ."";
"------------------------------------------------------------\r\n" .
$MESSAGE_BODY = "Name: ".nl2br($_POST["contact_name"])."";
"------------------------------------------------------------\r\n" .
$MESSAGE_BODY .= "Email: ".nl2br($_POST["contact_email"])."";
"------------------------------------------------------------\r\n" .
$MESSAGE_BODY .= "Contact: ".nl2br($_POST["contact_tel"])."";
"------------------------------------------------------------\r\n" .
$MESSAGE_BODY .= "Message: ".nl2br($_POST["contact_query"])."";
"------------------------------------------------------------\n" .
mail($ToEmail, $EmailSubject, $MESSAGE_BODY) or die ("Failure");