
I'm new to ASP.NET MVC framework.Previously i was worked with ASP.Net forms.Now the issue is i want to implement a login page.I have already done the other stuff.I want to know where to add "FormAuthenticationTicket class"?

I'm using MVC3 and .Net framework 4.

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Previously i was worked with ASP.Net forms.Now the issue is i want to implement a login page.I have already done the other stuff

I assume you ran your code without any issues before you add this class?

I want to know where to add "FormAuthenticationTicket class"?

Read this introduction about it:


and also read this (there's an example you can try):


@LastMitch:Thanks.But already i have checked that.In that example.The code is inside aspx page as a script.But i want to know is that anyway to put the code inside Controller or Model class?

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